show isis database

Displays information about the entries in the LSP database.


show isis database lsp-id
show isis database detail [ level1 | level2 ]
show isis database level1
show isis database level2
show isis database summary


Specifies a link-state packet (LSP) in HHHH.HHHH.HHHH.HH-HH format, for example, 3333.3333.3333.00-00, or by entering a name, for example, XMR.00-00.
Specifies detailed information.
Specifies Level 1 packets only.
Specifies Level 2 packets only.
Specifies summarized information.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

IS-IS is supported on the Extreme 8820, SLX 9740, SLX 9640, and SLX 9540 devices only.


The show isis database command displays the following information:

Output field



The LSP ID, which consists of the source ID (6 bytes), the pseudonode (1 byte), and LSPID (1 byte).

Note: If the address has an asterisk ( * ) at the end, this indicates that the LSP is locally originated.

LSP Seq Num

The sequence number of the LSP.

LSP Checksum

The checksum calculated by the device that sent the LSP and used by the device to verify that the LSP was not corrupted during transmission over the network.

LSP Holdtime

The maximum number of seconds during which the LSP will remain valid.

Note: The IS that originates the LSP sets the timer for the LSP. As a result, LSPs do not all have the same amount of time remaining when they enter the device‘s LSP database.


A 4-bit value extracted from bits 4 - 7 in the Attach field of the LSP.


The value in the Partition option field of the LSP. The field can have one of the following values:

  • 0 - The IS that sent the LSP does not support partition repair.
  • 1 - The IS that sent the LSP supports partition repair.


The value in the LSP database overload field of the LSP. The field can have one of the following values:

  • 0 - The overload bit is off.
  • 1 - The overload bit is on, indicating that the IS that sent the LSP is overloaded and should not be used as a IS-IS transit router for that level.


The Network Layer Protocol Identifier (NLPID), which specifies the protocol the IS that sent the LSP is using. Usually, this value is "CC(IP)".

IP address

The IP address of the interface that sent the LSP. The device can use this address as the next hop in routes to the addresses listed in the rows below.

Destination addresses

The rows of information below the IP address row are the destinations advertised by the LSP. The device can reach these destinations by using the IP address listed above as the next hop.

Each destination entry contains the following information:

  • Metric - The value of the default metric, which is the IS-IS cost of using the IP address above as the next hop to reach this destination.
  • Device type - The device type at the destination. The type can be one of the following:
    • End System - The device is an ES.
    • IP-Internal - The device is an ES within the current area. The IP address and subnet mask are listed.
    • IS - The device is another IS. The NET (NSAP address) is listed.
    • IP-Extended - Same as IP-Internal, except the device uses the extended TLV fields described in draft-ietf-isis-traffic-02.txt to carry the information.
    • IS-Extended - Same as IS, except the device uses the extended TLV fields described in draft-ietf-isis-traffic-02.txt to carry the information.

Flooding to num interface:

Identifies the number of interfaces on which the specific LSP entry will be flooded and identifies the interfaces.

Acking to num interface:

Identifies the number of interfaces on which the specific LSP entry will be acknowledged and identifies the interfaces.


The following is sample output for the show isis database command when no argument or keyword is used.

device# show isis database

IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database
LSPID                               Seq Num    Checksum  Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R1.00-00*                           0x00000030 0x163a    394      0/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database
LSPID                               Seq Num    Checksum  Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R1.00-00*                           0x00000030 0xc865    394      0/0/0

The following is sample output for the show isis database command when the detail keyword is used.

device# show isis database detail

IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database
LSPID                               Seq Num    Checksum  Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R1.00-00*                           0x00000038 0x0642    1095     0/0/0
   Area Address:  11
   Hostname:  R1
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal          Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal         Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal         Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal         Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IP-Internal        Up: 0
   Metric:  10       IS 76:8e:f8:5:58:12. 2
   Metric:  10       IS 76:8e:f8:5:58:12. 3
   Metric:  10       IS 76:8e:f8:5:58:12. 4
   Metric:  10       IS 76:8e:f8:5:58:12. 5
   Metric:  10       IS 76:8e:f8:5:58:12. 6
   Metric:  10       IS 76:8e:f8:5:58:12. 7