show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement


show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement brief
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement session session-id
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement statistics
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement statistics brief
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement statistics session session-id brief
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement statistics session session-id brief
show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement statistics session session-id history history-index


Specifies brief.
session session-id
Specifies session and the session ID.
Specifies statistics.
Specifies history and the history index..


Privileged EXEC mode


This example displays detailed info for all measurement sessions.

device# show cfm y1731 synthetic-loss-measurement
    SLM Session Index       : 1
Test Profile Name		  	 : my_test_profile1
Status                    	 : Active
Session Type              	 : Initiator
Domain                    	 : md1
MA                        	 : ma1
Source MEP                	 : 1
Target MEP                	 : 2
Cos                       	 : 5
Start time                	 : 19:49:55
Start time type           	 : Fixed
Stop time                 	 : 00:00:00
Stop time type            	 : Fixed
Tx-interval(sec)          	 : 1
Measurement-interval(min) 	 : 15
Forward Average (milliPercent) : 4294967295
Forward Max     (milliPercent) : 4294967295
Backward Average(milliPercent) : 1
Backward Max    (milliPercent) : 4

SLM Session Index         	  : 2
Test Profile Name		  	  : my_test_profile2
Status                    	  : Active
Session Type              	  : Responder
Domain                    	  : md2
MA                        	  : ma2
Source MEP                	  : 2
Target MEP                	  : 1
Cos                       	  : 7
Start time                	  : 01:30:30
Start time type           	  : Fixed
Stop time                 	  : 02:30:30
Stop time type            	  : Fixed
Tx-interval(sec)          	  : 2
Measurement-interval(min) 	  : 10
Forward Average  (milliPercent) : 4294967295
Forward Max      (milliPercent) : 4294967295
Backward Average (milliPercent) : 1
Backward Max     (milliPercent) : 3