The default name prefix is dbyp.
MPLS router MPLS interface dynamic bypass configuration mode (config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-slot/port -dynamic-bypass).
The no form of the command removes the name prefix and sets its value to the default string dbyp.
When configuring, the dynamic bypass LSPs names must start with this name prefix, appended by interface IP, Merge Point IP (for node protection), and a unique number.
The name prefix configuration is only allowed when there no existing dynamic bypasses corresponding to a dynamic bypass interface. When the user wants to change the name prefix, the user must disable the dynamic bypass on the interface and reconfigure the name prefix, then re-enable the dynamic bypass on the interface.
MPLS is supported on the Extreme 8820, SLX 9740, SLX 9640, and SLX 9540 devices only.
The following example configures the name prefix for MPLS Ethernet interface 0/8 to MyDbypass.
device>configure device(config)# router mpls device(config-router-mpls)# mpls-interface ethernet 0/8 device(config-rouoter-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8)# dynamic-bypass device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8-dynamic-bypass)# name-prefix MyDbypass