server tcp


server tcp { name | ipv4/ipv6 address } port port no
[no] server tcp { name | ipv4/ipv6 address } port port no


The hostname of the remote RPKI server. You can use one of hostname or IP address.
ipv4/ipv6 address
The IPv4 or IPv6 IP address of the remote RPKI server. You can use one of hostname or IP address.
port port no
The configured SSH port number on the remote RPKI server. Port numbers are in the range of 1-65535.


RPKI Priority

Usage Guidelines

Only one RPKI Server can be configured in a priority. Attempts to configure more than one server in a priority will report an error.

Use the [no] format of this command to remove a configured RPKI server from the current RPKI priority priority.



Every time this command is run, there is a possibility that your CLI console response may become slow. This is due to the SLX-OS performing CPU intensive tasks of caching ROAs from the remote RPKI server and then revalidating RPKI state for all existing prefixes. This has been observed in systems with fully scaled routes in RIB-in when adding a server in the highest RPKI priority group. Adding servers in the lower priority groups does not cause this issue.

This slowdown is also possible when the connection to the existing RPKI server fails and the system fails over to the server with the next priority.


This example shows the steps to add a TCP connection to the configured cache server in the rpki priority within the router bgp configuration mode. This example also shows adding a server to another RPKI priority.

SLX(config)# router bgp
SLX(config-bgp-router)# rpki priority 1
SLX(config-bgp-rpki-grp)# server tcp port 113 
SLX(config-bgp-rpki-grp)# exit
SLX(config-bgp-router)# rpki priority 2
SLX(config-bgp-rpki-grp)# server tcp port 113 