efa deploy


efa deploy [ --graphics | nographics | non-interactive ]
efa deploy --graphics { yes | no [ [ with-rollback ] slx-peer-ip ipv4-address slx-peer-user user-name slx-peer-password user-password ] }
efa deploy nographics [ with-rollback ] slx-peer-ip ipv4-address slx-peer-user user-name slx-peer-password user-password
efa deploy non-interactive { multi-node | single-node | with-rollback }
efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package path-to-efa-package-location { management-ip | peer-node | replacement-ip }
efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package path-to-efa-package-location management-ip sub-interface-name sub-interface-name sub-vlan-id sub-vlan-id external-subnet ipv4-address/mask [ peer-node | replacement-ip ]
efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package path-to-efa-package-location peer-node peer-tpvm-node-ipv4-address vip4 virtual-ipv4-address [ vip6 virtual-ipv6-address ] [ management-ip | replacement-ip ]
efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package path-to-efa-package-location replacement-ip replacement-ipv4-address [ management-ip | peer-node ]
efa deploy non-interactive [ with-rollback ] single-node package path-to-efa-package-location management-ip sub-interface-name sub-interface-name sub-vlan-id sub-vlan-id external-subnet ipv4-address/mask
efa deploy non-interactive with-rollback slx-peer-ip ipv4-address slx-peer-user user-name slx-peer-password user-password
no efa deploy { --graphics | nographics }


Deploy EFA in legacy mode with graphics support.
Deploy EFA in legacy mode without graphics support.
Deploy EFA using the no graphics mode.
Deploy EFA in the non interactive mode. In this mode EFA will be installed without any human interaction.
Enable rollback of deployment when deployment of EFA fails.
slx-peer-ip ipv4-address
The IPv4 address of the SLX peer device.
slx-peer-user user-name
The user name of the account used to access the peer SLX device.
slx-peer-password user-password
The password for the user account provided in the slx-peer-user field.
Use this keyword when deploying EFA to more than one node.
package path-to-efa-package-location
The complete path to the EFA packager bundle.
peer-node peer-tpvm-node-ipv4-address
The IPv4 address of the peer TPVM node.
vip4 virtual-ipv4-address
The virtual IPv4 address of the peer TPVM node.
vip6 virtual-ipv6-address
The virtual IPv6 address of the peer TPVM node. This is an optional parameter.
Use to configure additional Management IP related parameters.
sub-interface-name sub-interface-name
Configure the sub-interface within the management interface.
sub-vlan-id sub-vlan-id
Configure the sub VLAN ID for the management interface.
external-IP ipv4-address/mask
The IPv4 address and MASK for the external IP used to access the management interface.
replacement-ip replacement-IP

IP address of the peer node that will replace a faulty node in a Multi-Node deployment.

Deploy EFA to a single node.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

The no form of this command removes a deployed EFA instance. You can choose between using the Graphics mode or the No Graphics mode.


The following example shows deploying or upgrading EFA on a Single node.

efa deploy non-interactive single-node package /efaboot/efa-2.7.0-16.tar.gz   


The following example shows deploying or upgrading EFA on Multiple nodes.

efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package /efaboot/efa-2.7.0-16.tar.gz peer-node vip4


The following example shows Multi node upgrade with replacement of a failed node.

efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package /efaboot/efa-2.7.0-16.tar.gz replacement-ip