snmp-server v3host


snmp-server v3host { ipv4_host | ipv6_host | dns_host } user_name [ notifytype { traps | informs } ] [ engineid engine-id ] [ udp-port port_number ] [ severity-level | { none | debug | info | warning | error | critical } ] [ use-vrf { vrf-name} ] [ source-interface { loopback | management { chassis-ip | mgmt-ip } | ve ]
no snmp-server v3host { ipv4_host | ipv6_host | dns_host } user_name [ notifytype {traps | informs}] [ engineid engine-id ] [ udp-port port_number ] [ severity-level | {none | debug | info | warning | error | critical } ] [ use-vrf ] [ source-interface { loopback | management { chassis-ip | mgmt-ip } | ve ]


ipv4_host | ipv6_host | dns_host

Specifies the IP address of the host. IPv4, IPv6, and DNS hosts are supported.


Specifies the SNMPv3 user name to be associated with the SNMPv3 host entry.

notifytype traps | informs
Specifies the type of notification traps that are sent for the host. Traps and informs are supported. The default notify type is traps.
engineID engine-id
Configures the remote engine ID to receive informs on a remote host.
udp-port port_number
Specifies the UDP port of the host. The default UDP port number is 162.
severity-level { none | debug | info | warning | error | critical }
Provides the ability to filter traps based on severity level on both the host and the SNMPv3 host. Only RASLog (swEvent) traps can be filtered based on severity level. The configured severity level marks the reporting threshold. All messages with the configured severity or higher are displayed. If the severity level of None is specified, all traps are filtered and no RASLog traps are received. The default severity level is none.
use-vrf vrf-name

Configures SNMP to use the specified VRF to communicate with the host. The default is mgmt-vrf.

source-interface { loopback | management { chassis-ip | mgmt-ip } | ve
Specifies whether to use a loopback, management, or VE interface as a source address for notifications. For management, specifies the chassis or management IP address.


Global configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

You can associate a global SNMPv3 host only with global SNMPv3 users and the local SNMPv3 host only with local SNMPv3 users. You cannot create a SNMPv3 host by associating with the local SNMPv3 users and vice versa.

The no form of the command can be used to remove the following entities: notifytype, engineID, udp-port, severity-level, and use-vrf.


The following example creates an entry for SNMPv3 trap IPv4 host associated with SNMP user "snmpadmin1."

device(config)# snmp-server v3host snmpadmin1 severity-level info

The following example creates an entry for SNMPv3 trap IPv6 host 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b associated with SNMP user "snmpadmin2." The trap host receives SNMPv3 traps from the configured device.

device(config)# snmp-server v3host 1050::5:600:300c:326b snmpadmin2 severity-level Info

The following example associates the default-vrf VRF for a trap host recipient.

device(config)# snmp-server v3host public use-vrf default-vrf
The following example removes the SNMP v3 host.
device(config)# no snmp-server v3host public