clock timezone


clock timezone { gmt gmt-time | us us-time }
no clock timezone { gmt gmt-time | us us-time }


gmt gmt-time
Specifies the GMT time zone. The value can be one of the following: gmt+00 (United Kingdom), gmt+01 (France, Germany), gmt+02 (Eastern Europe, South Africa), gmt+03, gmt+03:30, gmt+04, gmt+04:30, gmt+05, gmt+05:30 (India), gmt+06, gmt+06:30, gmt+07, gmt+08 (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan), gmt+09 (Japan, Korea), gmt+09:30, gmt+10 (Australia), gmt+10:30, gmt+11, gmt+11:30, gmt+12, gmt-01, gmt-02, gmt-03, gmt-03:30, gmt-04, gmt-05, gmt-06, gmt-07, gmt-08, gmt-08:30, gmt-09, gmt-09:30, gmt-10, gmt-11, gmt-12.
us us-time
Specifies the US time zone. The value can be one of the following: alaska, aleutian, arizona, central, east-indiana, eastern, hawaii, michigan, mountain, pacific, samoa.


Global configuration mode


The following example sets the system date and time to the US Samoa time zone.

device(config)# clock timezone us samoa