show monitor


show monitor [ session session_number ]


session session_number
Specifies a session identification number. Valid values range from 1 through 512.


Privileged EXEC mode


The show monitor command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Session The identifying value applied to the session
Description The session description.
State The current state of the session.
Source Interface The interface that the session is using to access the device.
Destination Interface The destination for the session.
Direction Displays whether the interface is receiving, transmitting, or both.


The following example displays monitoring information for all port mirroring sessions.

device# show monitor
Session                     : 1
Description                 : my_first_session
State                       : Enabled
Source Interface            : Eth 0/1  (Up)
Destination Interface       : Eth 0/11 (Up)
Direction                   : Rx

Session                     : 50
Description                 : [None]
State                       : Enabled
Source Interface            : Eth 0/2  (Down)
Destination Interface       : Eth 0/12 (Up)
Direction                   : Tx

The following example displays monitoring information for a specific port mirroring session.

device# show monitor session 1

Session                : 1
Description            : my_first_session
State                  : Enabled
Source Interface       : Eth 0/1  (Up)
Destination Interface  : Eth 0/11 (Up)
Direction              : Rx