No global reload-delay setting is configured.
Privileged EXEC mode
If a node is reloaded and the traffic flow is directed to an interface before it is operational, the traffic is dropped. Setting the reload-delay timer allows the interface to become fully operational before traffic is routed to it.
Use reload-delay to set the delay time for all interfaces where the feature is enabled, but no delay time is configured. Setting the global reload-delay time is optional, but useful when there are many interfaces to be configured with the same delay-time.
By default, interface level settings override global settings. If there is no setting at the interface level, the global setting is used. If no delay-time is set either on the interface or globally, the configuration is ignored.
If reload-delay is not enabled at the interface, a configuration error is raised.
The following example configures a global reload-delay time of 240 seconds.
device(config)# reload-delay 240
The following example removes the global configuration of a reload-delay timer.
device(config)# no reload-delay