The command is disabled, by default.
MPLS CSPF-group configuration mode (config-router-mpls-cspf-group-group_name)
MPLS router MPLS interface dynamic bypass configuration mode (config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-slot/port-dynamic-bypass)
The order in which the local IP address to the remote IP address is configured is insignificant. For example, the configuration from to and from to has the same meaning.
The user can configure an interface level from IP address for a dynamic bypass LSP to be created for the protected MPLS interface. Dynamic bypasses use the from address as the IP address.
The no form of the command removes the from-address and is set to default.
MPLS is supported on the Extreme 8820, SLX 9740, SLX 9640, and SLX 9540 devices only.
The following example configures the local address of the fate sharing group.
device# configure device(config)# router mpls device(config-router-mpls)# cspf-group group3 device(config-router-mpls-cspf-group-group3)# from
The following example configures the from address for dynamic bypass MPLS Ethernet interface 0/8.
device# configure device(config)# router mpls device(config-router-mpls)# mpls-interface ethernet 0/8 device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8)# dynamic-bypass device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8-dynamic-bypass)# from