No ERP right interface is configured by default.
ERP configuration mode
Each Ethernet Ring Node (ERN) in a major ring must have explicitly defined left and right interfaces so that ERP can function properly. ERNs in a sub-ring must have at least one interface defined so that ERP can function properly.
For proper operation you must configure the interfaces following the same manner on each ERN, such as left/ right, left/ right, and so on.
You must configure the VLAN and configure the Ethernet or port-channel interfaces as switchport, and then add the VLAN to the interfaces either in trunk or access mode. This is a prerequisite to configuring the ERP left interface and right interface.
Use the no form of this command to delete the configuration.
The following example configures a right interface on an Ethernet interface.
device# configure terminal device(config)# erp 1 device(config-erp-1)# right-interface vlan 5 ethernet 0/1