The default is 10.
Interface subtype configuration mode
IS-IS is supported on the Extreme 8820, SLX 9740, SLX 9640, and SLX 9540 devices only.
Each IS-IS interface has a separate metric value.
The device applies the interface-level metric to routes originated on the interface and when calculating routes. The device does not apply the metric to link-state information received from one intermediate system and flooded to other intermediate systems.
If the metric value you want to use is higher than 63 but you have not changed the metric style to wide, you must change the metric style first, and then set the metric. The IS-IS neighbors that receive the advertisements must also be enabled to receive wide metrics.
The no form of the command resets the metric value the default value of 10.
The following example changes the metric for an Ethernet interface, specifying Level 1 packets.
device# configure terminal device(config)# interface ethernet 1/1 device(conf-if-eth-1/1)# isis metric 25 level-1