BGP address-family IPv4 unicast configuration mode
BGP address-family IPv6 unicast configuration mode
BGP address-family IPv4 unicast VRF configuration mode
BGP address-family IPv6 unicast VRF configuration mode
By default, RPKI states with prefixes are not shared with the iBGP neighbors. Even if the iBGP neighbor share prefixes with RPKI states, it is not considered. Sharing of RPKI states with iBGP neighbors must be explicitly enabled.
RPKI state will be announced to the iBGP neighbor only when neighbor send-community is enabled using the extended, all, or both settings for the command. If this command is not enabled in the appropriate context, a warning message to enable neighbor send-community with extended parameter.
The [no] format of this command stops the device from sending and receiving the RPKI state with prefixes to iBGP neighbors.
The default state is RPKI state with prefixes are not shared with iBGP neighbors.
The following example shows the steps to enable sharing of RPKI state and prefix with iBGP neighbor with IPv4 address of
This command enters in to the router bgp mode and then enters into the IPv4 unicast address family configuration mode.
SLX(config)#router bgp SLX(config-bgp-router)# address-family IPv4 unicast
This command enables the ability to send extended community information to iBGP peers.
SLX(config-bgp-ipv4u)# neighbor send-community extended SLX(config-bgp-ipv4u)#
This command enables announcing and receiving RPKI states and prefixes with the configured iBGP peer.
SLX(config-bgp-ipv4u)# neighbor announce-rpki-state