Configure Custom DHCP Options

Before you begin

Create or modify DHCP server and Relay settings.

About this task

Use this task to define custom DHCP options to provide additional network settings to connected clients.


  1. Select the add icon.
  2. Enter a custom Number from 2 to 5, 8 to 14, 16 to 25, 27 to 41, 43, 45 to 50, 52 to 57, 60 to 68, 71 to 224, 227, 228, or 232 to 254.
  3. Choose the Type of data that the option will provide:
    • Integer: (0-2,147,483,547)
    • IP Address: (Four octets for an IP address or eight groups of two octets each for an IPv6 address.)
    • String: (1-255 characters)
    • Hex: (1-254 hexadecimal digits)
  4. Enter the Value for the data.
  5. Select Add.
  6. Select Save.

What to do next

Update the device from the Manage > Device page.