You must add at least one filter rule to the Bonjour Gateway profile before you can save it.Use commas to separate multiple VLAN IDs (do not include a space after a comma) and dashes to indicate ranges.
If you do not want to restrict sharing services based on source VLANs, choose Any. To create a new VLAN group, select the plus sign. Enter a name for the group, the VLANs to include, a description, and then save your new group. See Add a VLAN Group for more information.
If you do not want to restrict sharing services based on destination VLANs, choose Any. To create a new VLAN group, see the previous step.
A realm consists of one or more members within radio range of one another but in different subnets/VLANs. These devices can detect each other automatically. To apply the rule to members of all realms, choose Any from the drop-down list.
If the members are not within radio range, you can put them in the same realm by doing either of the following: Place all of the devices on the same map, or manually set the same Bonjour Realm name in the Bonjour Gateway Settings section in individual device configurations.