Wireless Connectivity Experience Widget

This widget displays information in the form of a data quality index. You can display data for a specified number of locations, (the Show drop-down) for SSIDs, or client types (the View-by drop-down). Many parts of the widget contents are interactive. Hover to see more details.

The quality index scores client connectivity experiences from 1 (worst) to 10 (best). In an ideal scenario, the quality index should be10 consistently over time, while any decline in the index value indicates a degraded experience. This index is calculated for every client, every time new client metrics are obtained. By default, this interval is every 10 minutes.

Quality index scoring provides more granularity and better control. It can help mitigate the effects of single (random) events. The following tools are available in the quality index:

Thresholds: The global threshold is dynamically calculated base on information from all clients in the Regional Data Center. The local threshold is dynamically calculated per location and SSID type (PSK vs Open vs Enterprise), and the lower threshold is used.