Import a Certificate or Key

About this task

If you use a third-party CA to sign certificates, generate and export a CSR, send it to the CA, and when the CA returns the signed certificate and private key file, import the certificate into ExtremeCloud IQ. Extreme Networks devices support PEM-formatted certificates.

Use the following procedure to import a CSR:


  1. Select the import icon.
  2. Use Select to navigate to the location of the certificate file.
  3. Select Open.
  4. Select Import.
  5. Select whether this file is a certificate or key.
    To import certificates in PFX or DER formats, you must first use the conversion tool to reformat them as PEM files.
  6. To import a PFX-formatted file, which contains a certificate and private key combined, first convert its format from PFX to PEM:
    1. Select Convert the certificate format from PFX to PEM.
    2. Enter the password that was used to encrypt the PFX file.
    3. Select Save.


    When you use the PEM-formatted file that contains both the certificate and private key, you must choose the same file for both the Certificate and Private Key fields.
  7. To import a pair of DER-formatted files, one containing a certificate and the other its accompanying private key, first convert their format from DER to PEM:
    1. Select Convert the certificate format from DER to PEM.
    2. If converting a key, enter the password that was used to encrypt the file.
    1. Select Save.
  8. Select Save.