About Diagnosis

This window provides detailed information about a selected issue or issues associated with a client host name (or MAC address), in the form of a timeline and card.


A timeline displays issue detection in a graph. It is useful to see multiple occurrences of the same issue. Each occurrence is represented by a bubble and a flag with a number. Hover your mouse over a bubble to display the month, day, and time-of-day an issue occurred, as well as the issue type: Association, Authentication, Networking (DNS or DHCP server issues), or Unknown. The flag shows the number of occurrences of the issue at the time.


Underneath the timeline, the Diagnosis card contains data that can help you understand the issue, such as when problems were detected, the location of the connected AP, a description of the issue, and a suggested remedy.

Events Associated with an Issue

If there are events associated with an issue, the total number of events displays, followed by a timeline that highlights events, and an information card below the timeline that describes each event. Below the card is a table populated with a description of the associated events, such as when a configuration was pushed to a device. (If no events are associated with an issue, the table is empty.) This table provides the following information:

You can share information about issues with colleagues, escalate issues, or mark them as resolved by selecting Take Action. For more information, see Take Action for a Client Issue.

Email Notification on Change of Status

To send an email indicating the status of an issue has changed, see Perform a Change Status Email Notification.