Download Log Information

About this task

If you are logged in as an admin with full access (administrator role), you can download the entire log or just the entries pertaining to a specific admin, which is important for compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). If administrators are EU citizens working in the EU, they have the right to access any PII (personally identifiable information) gathered about them. This includes personal information collected by ExtremeCloud IQ and contained in the log. If an admin leaves their company and asks for this information, you can sort for log entries pertaining to that admin and download and save them in a .csv (comma-separated values) file.


  1. Select Download,
  2. Select the name of the person requesting data from the Admin Name drop-down list in the dialog box.
  3. Select Ok.
    ExtremeCloud IQ generates a file in CSV format.
  4. Select one of the following options.
    Select either file_name.csv or Download. The file contains only log entries for the chosen admin.
  5. To download the complete log, follow these steps but select All from the Admin Name drop-down list.
    For more information about the types of logs available see: