show ip/ipv6 bgp peer-dampened


show { ip | ipv6 } bgp peer-dampened [detail] [ all-vrfs | vrf vrf-name ]


{ ip | ipv6 }
The address family for which the peer dampening information is required.
Show the peer dampening information for all VRFs.
vrf vrf-name
Show the peer dampening information for the VRF specified in the vrf-name parameter.
detail Show the peer dampening information in detail including delay-hold and penalty.


Global Executable Mode

Usage Guidelines


The following command example displays a list of all dampened BGP peers (IPv4) on all VRFs.

leaf-1# show ip bgp peer-dampened all-vrfs 
				VRF - default vrf
Total number of BGP Neighbors: 1 
Neighbor    Idle-hold-Timer     Idle-Hold   Stability-interval       03                 15          30 

The following command example displays a list of all dampened BGP peers (IPv6) on all VRFs.

leaf-1#  show ipv6 bgp peer-dampened all-vrfs
				VRF - default vrf
Total number of BGP Neighbors: 1 
Neighbor    	Idle-hold-Timer     Idle-Hold  Stability-interval 
200:1:1:1:1::1     06                   15         30 


The following example displays show ip bgp peer-dampened detail all-vrfs
leaf-1# show ip bgp peer-dampened detail all-vrfs
			VRF: default-vrf
Total number of BGP Neighbors:1
Neighbor     Idle-hold-Timer  Idle-Hold  Stability-interval  delay-hold  penalty
50.1.12    	   3	      15	       30		 10	  10


The following example displays show ipv6 bgp peer-dampened detail all-vrfs
leaf-1# show ipv6 bgp peer-dampened detail all-vrfs
			VRF: default-vrf
Total number of BGP Neighbors:1
Neighbor      Idle-hold-Timer  Idle-Hold  Stability-interval  delay-hold  penalty    3	       15		30		 10	  10