show bfd

show bfd


Displays information on existing BFD sessions.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or variables.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show the status of the current BFD sessions.

The following session states are displayed:
  • Init—The state when BFD is establishing the session.
  • Down—The state when BFD detects that the session is down.
  • Admin Down—The state when the user disables BFD on that interface.
  • Up—The state when the BFD session is established.


The following command displays information on current BFD sessions:

# show bfd

Following is sample output from this command:

Number of  sessions                     : 2
Sessions in Init State                  : 0
Sessions in Down State                  : 0
Sessions in Admin Down State            : 1
Sessions in Up State                    : 1

SNMP Traps for Session Down             : Enabled
SNMP Traps for Session Up               : Enabled
SNMP Traps Batch Delay                  : 1000 ms
Hardware Assist Operational State       : Enabled
                                        : Disabled                                             
                                            (Incapable heterogeneous stack)
                                            (Incapable standalone platform)
                                            (Loopback port not configured)
Hardware Assist Primary Loopback Port   : 1:1
Hardware Assist Secondary Loopback Port : None
Maximum # of Hardware Assist Sessions   : 2047


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.4.

The hardware assist output was added in ExtremeXOS 21.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.