show lldp dcbx

show lldp {port [all | port_list]} dcbx {ieee|baseline} {detailed}


Displays DCBX configuration and statistics information for one or all ports.

Syntax Description

all Specifies all ports on the switch.
port_list Specifies one or more ports or slots and ports.
ieee Specifies IEEE 802.1Qaz information only.
baseline Specifies Baseline v1.01 information only.
detailed Shows information on the configured VLANs on the port.



Usage Guidelines

The summary display (without the detailed option) displays the status for each DCBX TLV on each port. For each TLV, the status is reported as shown in the following table.

DISABLED DCBX is disabled on the port. This port status appears only in the summary display when DCBX is enabled for one version and disabled for the other. In the detailed display, ports on which DCBX are disabled are not shown.
OK This TLV has been received by the peer, and either the configuration matches, or the peer is reporting that it is in willing mode and is not reporting an explicit error.
UNKNOWN This TLV has not been received by the peer since the port has been active.
EXPIRED This TLV has been received by the peer, but the time to live has expired.
ERROR Either a mismatch exists between the local and remote configuration and the peer is not willing, or the peer is reporting an error.
MULTIPLE PEERS More than one LLDP peer has been detected on the link.
When you specify a port or the detailed option, local TLV information includes the information that will be contained in the next TLV that is sent, and if the configuration hasn't changed, this is the same information that was sent in the last TLV. Peer TLV information displays the information from the last TLV that has been received. For each TLV, statistics are reported as follows:
  • Sent: Total number of TLVs sent since port has been operational.
  • Received: Total number of TLVs received since port has been operational.
  • Errors: Total number of mal-formed TLVs received since port has been operational.

You can clear the statistics using the clear counters command.

IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX TLVs describes the IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX TLVs that can be displayed. Baseline v1.01 DCBX TLVs describes the Baseline v1.01 DCBX TLVs.
Table 1. IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX TLVs




Advertises the ETS configuration of the local port and the configuration recommended to/by the peer for the specified port, respectively.

Willing—Whether or not the device is willing to accept configuration from its DCBX peer. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes. The Willing bit does not apply to the ETS Recommendation TLV, and should always be zero.

CBS—Whether the device supports the credit-based shaper algorithm. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Max TCs— Maximum number of traffic classes that the node can support.

Priority Assgn—Priority Assignment Table. A priority group (PG) table describing how 802.1p priorities are assigned to PGs. The table is laid out as follows:

Priority-0 : Priority-1 : Priority-2 : Priority-3 : Priority-4 : Priority-5 : Priority-6 : Priority-7

The value in the Priority-N position indicates the TC ID to which packets with an 802.1p priority of N are mapped.

Note: For Extreme Networks products, a traffic class (TC) is synonymous with a QoS Profile (QP), except that TCs are zero-based, and QPs are one-based, so TC 1 maps to QP 0.

TC Bwdth—TC Bandwidth Table. Indicates the percentage of bandwidth allocated for each traffic class. The table is laid out as follows:

TC%-0 : TC%-1 : TC%-2 : TC%-3 : TC%-4 : TC%-5 : TC%-6 : TC%-7

The value in the TC%-N position indicates the percentage of the link bandwidth allocated to TC N. The total of all positions must equal 100.

TSA—Transmission Selection Algorithm (TSA) Assignment Table. The table is laid out as follows:

TC-0 : TC-1 : TC-2 : TC-3 : TC-4 : TC-5 : TC-6 : TC-7

The value in the TC-N position indicates the TSA used by TC N, which is one of the following:

S - Strict priority (TSA 0)C - Credit-based shaper (TSA 1)E - Enhanced Transmission Selection (TSA 2)V - Vendor-specific Transmission Selection algorithm (TSA 255)
Note: TSA values 3 to 254 are reserved for future standardization.

Common Feature TLVs

TLVs common to the Priority Group, PFC, and Application TLVs

Oper Vers—Operating version of the feature.

Max Vers—Highest feature version supported by the system.

Enabled—Locally administered parameter that indicates whether the DCB feature is enabled. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Willing—Indicates whether the device is willing to accept configuration from its DCBX peer. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Error—Indicates whether an error has occurred during the configuration exchange with the peer. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Priority Group TLV

Advertises priority to priority group mapping, priority group bandwidth and the scheduling algorithm.

PG IDs—Priority Allocation Table. A priority group (PG) table describing how 802.1p priorities are assigned to PGs. The table is laid out as follows:

Priority-0 : Priority-1 : Priority-2 : Priority-3 : Priority-4 : Priority-5 : Priority-6 : Priority-7

The value in the Priority-N position indicates the PG ID to which packets with an 802.1p priority of N are mapped. If the value is in the range of 0 to 7, this is the actual PG. If the value is equal to 15, this priority is mapped to a non-ETS group. In the case of Extreme Networks products, this would be a strict priority group.


For Extreme Networks products, a priority group (PG) is synonymous with a QoS Profile (QP), except that PGs are zero-based, and QPs are one-based, so PG1 maps to QP 0.

PG%—Priority Group Allocation Table. Indicates the percentage of bandwidth allocated for each priority group. The table is laid out as follows:

PG%-0 : PG%-1 : PG%-2 : PG%-3 : PG%-4 : PG%-5 : PG%-6 : PG%-7

The value in the PG%-N position indicates the percentage of the link bandwidth allocated to PG N. The total of all positions must equal 100.

Num TCs—Maximum number of priority groups that the node can support.


Describes the PFC configuration for the given port.

Willing—Whether or not the device is willing to accept configuration from its DCBX peer. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

MBC—MACsec Bypass Capability. If set to zero (0), the device is capable of bypassing MACsec processing when MACsec is disabled. If set to one (1), the sending station is not capable of bypassing MACsec processing when MACsec is disabled.

PFC Cap—PFC Capability. The maximum number of classes on which the device may simultaneously support PFC.

PFC Enable—List of priorities on which PFC is enabled.

Application TLV

Displays the priority the device expects to be used for the specified application.

Priority—The priority to be used for the given protocol.

Application—Specifies one of the following:

  • FCoE
  • FIP
  • iSCSI
  • EtherType: ethertype
  • TCP/UDP Port: port number
  • TCP Port: port number
  • TCP Port: port number
Table 2. Baseline v1.01 DCBX TLVs



Control TLV

Contains general information about the DCBX session.

Oper Vers—Operating version of the DCBX protocol.

Max Vers—Highest DCBX protocol version supported by the system.

Seq No—A value that changes each time an exchanged parameter in one or more of the DCB feature TLVs changes.

Ack No—The SeqNo value from the most recent peer DCBX TLV that has been handled. This value acknowledges to the peer that a specific SeqNo has been received.

Common Feature TLVs

TLVs common to the Priority Group, PFC, and Application TLVs

Oper Vers—Operating version of the feature.

Max Vers—Highest feature version supported by the system.

Enabled—Locally administered parameter that indicates whether the DCB feature is enabled. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Willing—Indicates whether the device is willing to accept configuration from its DCBX peer. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Error—Indicates whether an error has occurred during the configuration exchange with the peer. Zero (0) means No, and one (1) means Yes.

Priority Group TLV

Advertises priority to priority group mapping, priority group bandwidth and the scheduling algorithm.

PG IDs—Priority Allocation Table. A priority group (PG) table describing how 802.1p priorities are assigned to PGs. The table is laid out as follows:

Priority-0 : Priority-1 : Priority-2 : Priority-3 : Priority-4 : Priority-5 : Priority-6 : Priority-7

The value in the Priority-N position indicates the PG ID to which packets with an 802.1p priority of N are mapped. If the value is in the range of 0 to 7, this is the actual PG. If the value is equal to 15, this priority is mapped to a non-ETS group. In the case of Extreme Networks products, this would be a strict priority group.

Note: For Extreme Networks products, a priority group (PG) is synonymous with a QoS Profile (QP), except that PGs are zero-based, and QPs are one-based, so PG1 maps to QP 0.

PG%—Priority Group Allocation Table. Indicates the percentage of bandwidth allocated for each priority group. The table is laid out as follows:

PG%-0 : PG%-1 : PG%-2 : PG%-3 : PG%-4 : PG%-5 : PG%-6 : PG%-7

The value in the PG%-N position indicates the percentage of the link bandwidth allocated to PG N. The total of all slots must equal 100.

Num TCs—Maximum number of priority groups that the node can support.


Describes the PFC configuration for the given port.

PFC Enable—List of priorities on which PFC is enabled.

Num TC PFCs—The maximum number of classes on which the device may simultaneously support PFC.

Application TLV

Displays the priority the device expects to be used for the specified application.

Priority—The priority to be used for the given protocol.

Application—Specifies one of the following:

  • FCoE
  • FIP
  • iSCSI
  • EtherType: ethertype
  • TCP/UDP Port: port number


The following example displays the summary DCBX configuration and statistics:

# show lldp dcbx
Baseline DCBX TLV Status:           IEEE DCBX TLV Status:
Port     Control  PG       PFC      App      ETS-Conf ETS-Rec  PFC      App
1        OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK
2        OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK
3        OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK
4        OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK       OK
Control  - Control TLV
PG       - Priority Group TLV
PFC      - Priority-Based Flow Control TLV
App      - Application Configuration TLV
ETS-Conf - ETS Configuration TLV
ETS-Rec  - ETS Recommendation TLV

The following example displays detailed IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX configuration and statistics information for port 1:

# show lldp ports 1 dcbx ieee
Port number : 1
IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX Information:
ETS Configuration TLV: Sent: 5996, Received: 5997, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Willing: 0, CBS: 1, Max TCs: 8
Priority Assgn: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7, TC Bwdth: 33:0:0:33:34:0:0:0, TSA: E:S:S:E:E:S:S:S
Peer TLV  : Willing: 0, CBS: 1, Max TCs: 8
Priority Assgn: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7, TC Bwdth: 33:0:0:33:34:0:0:0, TSA: E:S:S:E:E:S:S:S
ETS Recommendation TLV: Sent: 5996, Received: 5997, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Willing: 0, CBS: 0, Max TCs: 8
Priority Assgn: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7, TC Bwdth: 33:0:0:33:34:0:0:0, TSA: E:S:S:E:E:S:S:S
Peer TLV  : Willing: 0, CBS: 0, Max TCs: 8
Priority Assgn: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7, TC Bwdth: 33:0:0:33:34:0:0:0, TSA: E:S:S:E:E:S:S:S
PFC TLV: Sent: 5996, Received: 5997, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Willing: 0, MBC: 0, Max PFCs: 8, PFC Enable: 3,4
Peer TLV  : Willing: 0, MBC: 0, Max PFCs: 8, PFC Enable: 3,4
Application TLV: Sent: 5987, Received: 5988, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Priority: 4, iSCSI
Priority: 3, FCoE
Priority: 3, FIP
Peer TLV  : Priority: 4, iSCSI
Priority: 3, FCoE
Priority: 3, FIP

The following example displays detailed Baseline v1.01 DCBX configuration and statistics information for port 1:

# show lldp ports 1 dcbx baseline
Port number : 1
Baseline v1.01 DCBX Information:
Control TLV: Sent: 5999, Received: 6000, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Seq No: 17, Ack No: 17
Peer TLV  : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Seq No: 17, Ack No: 17
Priority Group TLV: Sent: 5999, Received: 6000, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Enabled: 1, Willing: 0 Error: 0
PG IDs: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:15, PG%: 33:0:0:33:34:0:0:0, Num TCs: 8
Peer TLV  : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Enabled: 1, Willing: 0 Error: 0
PG IDs: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:15, PG%: 33:0:0:33:34:0:0:0, Num TCs: 8
PFC TLV: Sent: 5999, Received: 6000, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Enabled: 1, Willing: 0 Error: 0
Max PFCs: 8, PFC Enable: 3,4
Peer TLV  : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Enabled: 1, Willing: 0 Error: 0
Max PFCs: 8, PFC Enable: 3,4
App TLV: Sent: 5990, Received: 5991, Errors: 0, Status: OK
Local TLV : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Enabled: 1, Willing: 0 Error: 0
Priority: 4, iSCSI
Priority: 3, FCoE
Priority: 3, FIP
Peer TLV  : Oper Vers: 0, Max Vers: 0, Enabled: 1, Willing: 0 Error: 0
Priority: 4, iSCSI
Priority: 3, FCoE
Priority: 3, FIP


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.6.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.