clear port rate-limit flood

clear port [all | port_list | port_group ] rate-limit flood out-of-profile {disabled-ports} {status | counter}


This command clears the counter and/or status of ports of a flood rate-limiter that may have had their limit exceeded.

Syntax Description

port_list Clears a port list.
port_group Clears a port group.
all Clears all ports.
out-of-profile Clears only out-of-profile rate-limiters.
disabled-ports Clears only ports that have been disabled due to out-of-profile status.
both Clears out-of-profile status and counter for rate-limiter.
status Clears only out-of-profile status for rate-limiter.
counter Clear only out-of-profile counter for rate-limiter.



Usage Guidelines

The clear ports rate-limit flood out-of-profile command allows the clearing of the counter and/or status of ports of a flood rate-limiter that may have had their limit exceeded. For the entered ports, the status option removes the ports from the disabled port out-of-profile list, re-enables ports that may have been disabled due to out-of-profile rate-limit, and re-enables the syslog and traps for those ports as well. For the entered ports, the counter option resets the counters. If neither option is specified, both the status and counter will be cleared. If the disabled-ports option is specified, only the out-of-profile statuses that have disabled ports will be cleared. If no options are specified, all out-of-profile statuses will be cleared.


clear ports all rate-limit flood out-of-profile
clear ports all rate-limit flood out-of-profile disabled-ports
clear ports fldGroupA rate-limit flood out-of-profile status
clear ports 1-24 rate-limit flood out-of-profile counter


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 16.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.