show bfd session detail vr all

show bfd session {ipv4 | ipv6} {ipaddress } detail {vr [vrname | all]}


Displays detailed information about a BFD session.

Syntax Description

ipv4 Displays all IPv4 sessions.
ipv6 Displays all IPv6 sessions.
ipaddress Displays sessions in specified VR.
vrname Displays sessions in specified VR.


Displays all IPv4 sessions by default if ipv4 or ipv6 is not specified.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display BFD session information in detail.


The following command displays the BFD session information in detail:

show bfd session detail vr all

Following is sample output from this command:

# show bfd session  detail vr all
Neighbor       :          Local       :
Vr-Name        : bfd_vr10            Interface   : vlan10
Session Type   : Single Hop          State       : Up
Detect Time    : 3000 mc             Age         : 250 ms
Discriminator (local/remote)    : 1 / 1
Demand Mode (local/remote)      : 0 / 0
Poll (local/remote)             : 0 / 0
Tx Interval (local/remote)      : 1000 / 1000 ms
Rx Interval (local/remote)      : 1000 / 1000 ms
oper Tx Interval                : 1000 ms
oper Rx Interval                : 1000 ms
Multiplier (local/remote)       : 3 / 3
Local Diag                      : 0 (No Diagnostic)
Remote Diag                     : 0 (No Diagnostic)
Authentication                  : None
Clients                         : MPLS,
Uptime                          : 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 41 seconds
Up Count                        : 1
Last Valid Packet Rx            : 00:51:49.300000
Last Packet Tx                  : 00:51:48.820000
The following command displays a specified IPv6 BFD session in detail:
# show bfd session fe80::204:96ff:fe1f:a800%v2 detail

Neighbor       : fe80::204:96ff:fe1f:a800
Local          : fe80::204:96ff:fe27:2c6a
VR-Name        : VR-Default          Interface   : v2
Session Type   : Single Hop          State       : Up
Detect Time    : 60000 ms            Age         : 460 ms
Discriminator (local/remote)    : 1 / 1
Demand Mode (local/remote)      : Off / Off
Poll (local/remote)             : Off / Off
Tx Interval (local/remote)      : 20000 / 1000 ms
Rx Interval (local/remote)      : 20000 / 1000 ms
Oper Tx Interval                : 20000 ms
Oper Rx Interval                : 20000 ms
Multiplier (local/remote)       : 3 / 3
Local Diag                      : 0 (No Diagnostic)
Remote Diag                     : 0 (No Diagnostic)
Authentication                  : None
Clients                         : OSPFv3
Uptime                          : 00 days 01 hours 35 minutes 43 seconds
Up Count                        : 9
Last Valid Packet Rx            : 12:27:36.464105
Last Packet Tx                  : 12:27:19.34236


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.4.

IPv6 version was added in ExtremeXOS 15.3.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.