configure mlag peer authentication

configure mlag peer peer_name authentication [md5 key {encrypted encrypted_auth_key | auth_key } | none]


Configures the MD5 authentication key for checkpoint connection to This command is available on all Universal switches supported in this document. peer.

Syntax Description

mlag Multi-switch Link Aggregation Group used to combine remote ports and local ports to a common logical connection.
peer Multi-switch Link Aggregation Group peer switch.
peer_name Alphanumeric string identifying the MLAG peer.
authentication Authentication for MLAG checkpoint connection.
md5 MD5 authentication type.
key Authentication key for checkpoint connection to the MLAG peer.
encrypted Authenticaton key is in encrypted format.
auth_key Authentication key. Max 32 characters.
none Do not use authentication.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure MD5 authentication key for checkpoint connection to MLAG peer.


The following example displays show mlag peer output when authentication is not configured:

* Switch # show mlag peer
Multi-switch Link Aggregation Peers: 

MLAG Peer         : p2
VLAN              : isc                    Virtual Router    : VR-Default 
Local IP Address  :               Peer IP Address   :
MLAG ports        : 1                      Tx-Interval       : 1000 ms
Checkpoint Status : Up                     Peer Tx-Interval  : 1000 ms
Rx-Hellos         : 8722                   Tx-Hellos         : 8725                                                                                           

Rx-Checkpoint Msgs: 1322                   Tx-Checkpoint Msgs: 947        
Rx-Hello Errors   : 0                      Tx-Hello Errors   : 0          
Hello Timeouts    : 0                      Checkpoint Errors : 0          
Up Time           : 0d:2h:22m:26s          Peer Conn.Failures: 0
Local MAC         : 00:04:96:7e:13:93      Peer MAC          : 00:04:96:7e:13:71
Config'd LACP MAC : None                   Current LACP MAC  : 00:04:96:7e:13:71
Authentication    : None  

Alternate path information:    
VLAN              : Mgmt                   Virtual Router    : VR-Mgmt
Local IP Address  :                Peer IP Address   :
Rx-Hellos         : 722                    Tx-Hellos         : 725
Rx-Hello Errors   : 0                      Tx-Hello Errors   : 0
Hello Timeouts    : 0

The following example displays show mlag peer output when authentication is configured:

* Switch # show mlag peer
Multi-switch Link Aggregation Peers: 

MLAG Peer         : p2
VLAN              : isc                    Virtual Router    : VR-Default 
Local IP Address  :               Peer IP Address   :
MLAG ports        : 1                      Tx-Interval       : 1000 ms
Checkpoint Status : Up                     Peer Tx-Interval  : 1000 ms
Rx-Hellos         : 8722                   Tx-Hellos         : 8725                                                                                           

Rx-Checkpoint Msgs: 1322                   Tx-Checkpoint Msgs: 947        
Rx-Hello Errors   : 0                      Tx-Hello Errors   : 0          
Hello Timeouts    : 0                      Checkpoint Errors : 0          
Up Time           : 0d:2h:22m:26s          Peer Conn.Failures: 0
Local MAC         : 00:04:96:7e:13:93      Peer MAC          : 00:04:96:7e:13:71
Config'd LACP MAC : None                   Current LACP MAC  : 00:04:96:7e:13:71
Authentication    : md5
Authentication Key: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (encrypted) 

Alternate path information:    
VLAN              : Mgmt                   Virtual Router    : VR-Mgmt
Local IP Address  :                Peer IP Address   :
Rx-Hellos         : 722                    Tx-Hellos         : 725
Rx-Hello Errors   : 0                      Tx-Hello Errors   : 0
Hello Timeouts    : 0


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all Universal switches supported in this document.