show snmp notification-log

show snmp notification-log


Displays a summary of notification log configuration and status, as well as global configuration and status.

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or variables.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display a summary of notification log configuration and status, as well as global configuration and status.


The following example displays log configuration and status:

show snmp notification-log
Global Entry Limit  : 10000
System Managed Size : 1500
Global Age Out      : None
Notifications Logged: 2100
Notifications Bumped: 300
Notification Logs   :
Name                      Filter Profile      Flags        Notifications                                                             
                                                             Logged      Bumped
default                    all                 EUAP         1500         300
nmslog1                                        EFAV            0           0
nmslog2                    filter1             DMAN          600           0
Flags: Admin Status: (D) Disable, (E) Enabled.       
       Oper Status:  (F) No Filter, (M) Admin Disabled, (U) Up.       
       Entry Status: (A) Active,   (I) Inactive, (T) Not Ready.       
       Storage Type: (N) Non Volatile, (O) Other, (P) Permanent, (R) Read Only,                       
                     (V) Volatile.


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all Universal switches supported in this document.