efa inventory device secure settings update

Update security settings on devices.


efa inventory device secure settings update [ --min-tls-version min-tls-version| --mac-algorithm mac-algorithm-list| --key-exchange-algorithm key-exchange-algorithm-list| --telnet disable| --cipher ciphers| --max-password-age max-password-age| --force-default-password-change enable ]


--min-tls-version min-tls-version
Minimun TLS version to be configures on the server. Example: 1.1|1.2
--mac-algorithm mac-algorithm-list
Comma separated list of MAC Algorithms.
--key-exchange-algorithm key-exchange-algorithm-list
Comma separated list of Key-Exchange Algorithms.
--telnet disable
Disable or Enable telnet on mgmt-vrf
--cipher ciphers
Comma separated list of Ciphers.
--max-password-age max-password-age
Maximum number of days before password expiry
--force-default-password-change enable
Force the user to change default passwords.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not automatically apply changes to these settings. Run efa inventory device secure settings apply to manually apply them.


efa inventory device secure settings update --min-tls-version 1.2
secure settings update[Success]
--- Time Elapsed: 33.26355ms --- 
efa inventory device secure settings update 
--mac-algorithm hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256 
secure settings update[Success]
--- Time Elapsed: 18.82952ms --- 
efa inventory device secure settings update
 --key-exchange-algorithm curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,
secure settings update[Success] 
--- Time Elapsed: 83.826371ms ---  
efa inventory device secure settings update --telnet enable --cipher non-cbc --max-password-age 365 
secure settings update[Success] 
--- Time Elapsed: 55.88571ms ---