efa inventory device interface list

Displays the list of interfaces and details for the specified IP address, including the application state that indicates whether the device configuration is synchronized with EFA or has drifted (refreshed or deleted).


efa inventory device interface list [--ip ip-addr | --type interface-type { physical | loopback | ve | po | all }| --admin-state state { up | down | all }| --oper-state oper-state { up | down | all } | --rme list ]


--ip ip-addr
Specifies the IP address of the device for which you want to see a list of interfaces. For example:,,
--type { physical | loopback | ve | po | all }
Specifies the type of interfaces on the devices. The default is physical.
--admin-state { up | down | all }
Specifies the administrative state of interfaces of the device. The default is all.
--oper-state { up | down | all }
Specifies the operational state (line protocol) of interfaces of the device. The default is all.
--rme list
Lists redundant management-enabled interface. The default is all.


The following example shows a portion of typical output for the command.

$ efa inventory device interface list --ip
|   DeviceIP   | Name | Interface Type | Admin Status | Oper Status |
| | 0/1  | ethernet       | up           | up          |
+              +------+----------------+--------------+-------------+
|              | 0/2  | ethernet       | up           | down        |
+              +------+----------------+--------------+-------------+
|              | 0/3  | ethernet       | up           | down        |
+              +------+----------------+--------------+-------------+

Interface Details
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