show port information

show port {mgmt |port_list | tag tag} information {detail}


Displays detailed system-related information.

Syntax Description

mgmt Specifies the management port.
port_list Specifies one or more ports of slots and ports.
tag Specifies an 802.1Q or 802.1ad tag value.
detail Specifies detailed port information.



Usage Guidelines

This command displays information, including the following:

If you do not specify a port number, range of ports, or tag value, detailed system-related information is displayed for all ports. The data is displayed in a table format.

The tag value may be associated with either a VMAN or a VLAN.

This status information may be useful for your technical support representative if you have a network problem.

The detail parameter is used to provide more specific port information. The data is called out with written explanations versus displayed in a table format.



The detail parameter displays slightly different information depending on the platform and configuration you are working with.

The link filter counter displayed with the detail parameter is calculated at the middle layer on receiving an event. The link filter up indicates the number of link transitions from down to up at the middle layer filter.


The following command displays port system-related information on a switch:

# show ports 25 information 
Port      Flags               Link       OAM/   Link Num  Num   Num Jumbo QOS     Load
                              State     MACsec   UPS STP VLAN Proto  Size profile Master
25        Em---------fMB-S-x- active    - / -/up   3   0    1     1  9216 none    
> indicates Port Display Name truncated past 8 characters
Flags : a - Load Sharing Algorithm address-based,
        b - Rx and Tx Flow Control Enabled, B - Broadcast Flooding Enabled,
        D - Port Disabled, e - Extreme Discovery Protocol Enabled,
        E - Port Enabled, f - Unicast Flooding Enabled,
        F - Priority Flow Control Enabled, G - MLAG Enabled, i - Isolation,
        j - Jumbo Frame Enabled, l - Load Sharing Enabled,
        L - Extreme Link Status Monitoring Enabled,
        m - MACLearning Enabled, M - Multicast Flooding Enabled,
        n - Ingress TOS Enabled, o - Dot1p Replacement Enabled,
        O - Ethernet OAM Enabled, p - Load Sharing Algorithm port-based,
        P - Software redundant port(Primary),
        R - Software redundant port(Redundant),
        s - diffserv Replacement Enabled, S - MACsec Enabled,
        v - Vman Enabled, w - MACLearning Disabled with Forwarding,
        x - Rx Flow Control Enabled
The following command displays detailed information for port 25 on a switch:
# show ports 25 information detail
Port:   25
        Virtual-router: VR-Default
        Type:           UTP 
        Random Early drop:      Unsupported
        Admin state:    Enabled with  auto-speed sensing  auto-duplex
        MACsec Link State:      Up
        Link State:     Active, 1Gbps, full-duplex
        Link Ups:       3        Last: Fri Dec 08 16:26:55 2017
        Link Downs:     1        Last: Fri Dec 08 16:18:12 2017

        VLAN cfg: 
                 Name: MACsec_1000, Internal Tag = 1000, MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
        STP cfg:

                 Name: MACsec_1000  Protocol: ANY      Match all protocols.
        Trunking:       Load sharing is not enabled.

        EDP:            Disabled

        EEE:            Disabled
        ELSM:           Disabled
        Ethernet OAM:           Disabled
        MACsec:         Enabled

The following example displays the current status of non-Extreme optical devices:

 # show ports 3 information detail
Port:   3        
        Virtual-router: VR-Default        
        Type:            Q+SR4       (Licensed)       or                                
                                     (Unlicensed)     or                                                               
        Random Early drop:       Unsupported        
        Admin state:     Enabled        
        Link State:      Ready        
        Link Ups:        0         Last:  --        
        Link Downs:      0         Last: --                 
        VLAN cfg:                  
                Name: Default, Internal Tag = 1, MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default        
        STP cfg:   
                s0(disable), Tag=(none),  Mode=802.1D, State=FORWARDING         
                Name: Default       Protocol: ANY       Match all protocols.        
        Trunking:        Load sharing is not enabled.         
        EDP:             Enabled        
        ELSM:            Disabled        
        Ethernet OAM:            Disabled        
        Learning:         Enabled        
        Unicast Flooding:        Enabled        
        Multicast Flooding:      Enabled        
        Broadcast Flooding:      Enabled        
        Jumbo:           Disabled         

        Flow Control:    Rx-Pause: Enabled        Tx-Pause:     Disabled        
        Priority Flow Control: Disabled        
        Reflective Relay:        Disabled        
        Link up/down SNMP trap filter setting:   Enabled        
        Egress Port Rate:        No-limit  (Restricted, 10 Gbps maximum)        
        Broadcast Rate:          No-limit        
        Multicast Rate:          No-limit        
        Unknown Dest Mac Rate:   No-limit        
        QoS Profile:     None configured        
        Ingress Rate Shaping :           Unsupported        
        Ingress IPTOS Examination:       Disabled

The following output displays show port info detail that has port-specific tag.

Port:   3        
            Virtual-router: None        
            Type:           BASET         
            Random Early drop:      Unsupported        
            Admin state:    Enabled with  10G full-duplex        
            Link State:     Active, 1Gbps, full-duplex        
            Link Ups:       0        Last: Wed Jun 05 00:29:24 2013        
            Link Downs:     0        Last: --         

            VLAN cfg:       Name: test, 802.1Q Tag = 200, MAC-limit = No-limit,
            Virtual router:   VR-Test                       
                Port-specific VLAN ID: 10, 11, 200                 
            Name: test2, 802.1Q Tag = 300, MAC-limit = No-limit,
            Virtual router:   VR-Default        
            STP cfg:         
            Trunking:       Load sharing is not enabled.         

            EDP:            Disabled        
            ELSM:           Disabled        
            Ethernet OAM:           Disabled        
            Learning:       Enabled        
            Unicast Flooding:       Enabled        
            Multicast Flooding:     Enabled        
            Broadcast Flooding:     Enabled        
            Jumbo:  Enabled, MTU= 9216         

            Flow Control:   Rx-Pause: Enabled       Tx-Pause: Disabled        
            Priority Flow Control: Disabled        
            Reflective Relay:       Disabled        
            Link up/down SNMP trap filter setting:  Enabled        
            Egress Port Rate:       No-limit        
            Broadcast Rate:         No-limit        
            Multicast Rate:         No-limit        
            Unknown Dest Mac Rate:  No-limit        
            QoS Profile:    None configured        
            Ingress Rate Shaping :          Unsupported        
            Ingress IPTOS Examination:      Disabled        
            Ingress 802.1p Examination:     Enabled        
            Ingress 802.1p Inner Exam:      Disabled        
            Egress IPTOS Replacement:       Disabled        
            Egress 802.1p Replacement:      Disabled        
            NetLogin:                       Disabled        
            NetLogin port mode:             Port based VLANs        
            Smart redundancy:               Enabled        
            Software redundant port:        Disabled        
            IPFIX:   Disabled               Metering:  Ingress, All Packets, All Traffic                
            IPv4 Flow Key Mask:     SIP:            DIP:                 
            IPv6 Flow Key Mask:     SIP:  ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff                                         
            DIP:   ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff          

            Far-End-Fault-Indication:       Disabled        
            Shared packet buffer:           default        
            VMAN CEP egress filtering:      Disabled        
            Isolation:                      Off        
            PTP Configured:                 Disabled        
            Time-Stamping Mode:             None
            Configured Port Partition:      4x10G
            Current Port Partition:         4x10G
            Available Port Partitions:      1x40G, 4x10G, 1x100G, 2x50G, 4x25G        
            Synchronous Ethernet:           Unsupported        
            Dynamic VLAN Uplink:            Disabled        
            VM Tracking Dynamic VLANs:      Disabled
            Forward-Error-Correction:       Disabled

The following example shows LRM/MACsec Adapter port state information (in bold):

# show ports 3 information detail 
Port: 3
      Virtual-router:   VR-Default
      Type:       SF+_CX1m (Unsupported) (LRM/MACsec Adapter)
      LRM/MACsec Adapter port state:      Operational

      Random Early drop:      Unsupported
      Admin state:      Enabled with  10G full-duplex
      Link State: Active, 10Gbps, full-duplex
      Link Ups:       1        Last: Fri Aug 16 12:07:01 2019
      Link Downs:     0        Last: --

      VLAN cfg: 
             Name: Default, Internal Tag = 1, MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
      STP cfg:
            s0(enable), Tag=(none), Mode=802.1D, State=FORWARDING

             Name: Default      Protocol: ANY      Match all protocols.
      Trunking:   Load sharing is not enabled.

      EDP:        Enabled

      ELSM:       Disabled
      Ethernet OAM:           Disabled
      MACsec:           Disabled
      Learning:   Enabled
      Link-Flap Detection:    Disabled
      Unicast Flooding: Enabled
      Multicast Flooding:     Enabled
      Broadcast Flooding:     Enabled
      Jumbo:            Disabled
      Flow Control:     Rx-Pause: Enabled Tx-Pause: Disabled
      Priority Flow Control: Disabled
      Reflective Relay: Disabled
      Link up/down SNMP trap filter setting:    Enabled
      Egress Port Rate: No-limit
      Broadcast Rate:         No-limit
      Multicast Rate:         No-limit
      Unknown Dest Mac Rate:  No-limit
      QoS Profile:      None configured
      Ingress Rate Shaping :        Unsupported
      Ingress IPTOS Examination:    Disabled
      Ingress 802.1p Examination:   Enabled
      Ingress 802.1p Inner Exam:    Disabled
      Ingress 802.1p Priority:        0
      Egress IPTOS Replacement:     Disabled
      Egress 802.1p Replacement:    Disabled
      NetLogin:               Disabled
      NetLogin port mode:           Port based VLANs
      Smart redundancy:             Enabled
      Software redundant port:      Disabled
      IPFIX:   Disabled       Metering:  Ingress, All Packets, All Traffic
            IPv4 Flow Key Mask:     SIP:          DIP: 
            IPv6 Flow Key Mask:     SIP: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 
                              DIP: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 

      Far-End-Fault-Indication:     Disabled
      Shared packet buffer:         default
      VMAN CEP egress filtering:    Disabled
      Isolation:              Off
      PTP Configured:               Disabled
      Time-Stamping Mode:           None

      Dynamic VLAN Uplink:                Disabled
      VM Tracking Dynamic VLANs:          Disabled


The following command displays the indication that a 25G lane-based optic has been inserted into a port partitioned for 10G lanes (lines 4-5):

(pacman debug) switch-model-EXOS.6 # show port 25 information detail
Port:   25
        Virtual-router: VR-Default
        Type:           Q28+SWDM4 (Mismatches Partition)
        Random Early drop:      Unsupported
        Admin state:    Enabled with  40G full-duplex
        Link State:     Ready
        Link Ups:       0        Last: --
        Link Downs:     0        Last: --

        VLAN cfg:
                 Name: Default, Internal Tag = 1, MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
        STP cfg:
                s0(enable), Tag=(none), Mode=802.1D, State=DISABLED

                 Name: Default      Protocol: ANY      Match all protocols.
        Trunking:       Load sharing is not enabled.

        EDP:            Enabled

        ELSM:           Disabled
        Ethernet OAM:           Disabled
        MACsec:         Disabled
        Learning:       Enabled
        Link-Flap Detection:    Disabled
        Unicast Flooding:       Enabled
        Multicast Flooding:     Enabled
        Broadcast Flooding:     Enabled
        Jumbo:          Disabled
        Flow Control:   Rx-Pause: Enabled       Tx-Pause: Disabled
        Priority Flow Control: Disabled
        Reflective Relay:       Disabled
        Link up/down SNMP trap filter setting:  Enabled
        Egress Port Rate:       No-limit
        Broadcast Rate:         No-limit
        Multicast Rate:         No-limit
        Unknown Dest Mac Rate:  No-limit
        QoS Profile:    None configured
        Ingress Rate Shaping :          Unsupported
        Ingress IPTOS Examination:      Disabled
        Ingress 802.1p Examination:     Enabled
        Ingress 802.1p Inner Exam:      Disabled
        Ingress 802.1p Priority:        0
        Egress IPTOS Replacement:       Disabled
        Egress 802.1p Replacement:      Disabled
        QOS Profile Settings:     QP1  MinBw =     0%  MaxBw =   100%  MaxBuf =   100%  Weight =    1
                                  QP8  MinBw =     0%  MaxBw =   100%  MaxBuf =   100%  Weight =    1

        NetLogin:                       Disabled
        NetLogin port mode:             Port based VLANs
        Smart redundancy:               Enabled
        Software redundant port:        Disabled
        IPFIX:   Disabled               Metering:  Ingress, All Packets, All Traffic
                IPv4 Flow Key Mask:     SIP:            DIP:
                IPv6 Flow Key Mask:     SIP: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
                                        DIP: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff

        Far-End-Fault-Indication:       Disabled
        Shared packet buffer:           default
        VMAN CEP egress filtering:      Disabled
        Isolation:                      Off
        PTP Configured:                 Disabled
        Time-Stamping Mode:             None
        Port Partition:                 1x40G
        Available Port Partitions:      1x40G, 4x10G, 2x50G, 4x25G
        Dynamic VLAN Uplink:            Disabled
        VM Tracking Dynamic VLANs:      Disabled
        Forward-Error-Correction:       Disabled


The following command displays the indication that a 100G optic has been inserted into an unlicensed port (lines 4-5):

(pacman debug) X870-32c.2 # show port 1 info detail
Port:   1
        Virtual-router: VR-Default
        Type:           Q28+SWDM4 (Mismatches Partition) (Unlicensed) 
        Random Early drop:      Unsupported
        Admin state:    Enabled with 10G full-duplex
        Link State:     Ready
        Link Ups:       0        Last: --
        Link Downs:     0        Last: --

        VLAN cfg: 
        STP cfg:

        Trunking:       Load sharing is not enabled.

        EDP:            Enabled

        ELSM:           Disabled
        Ethernet OAM:           Disabled
        MACsec:         Disabled
        Learning:       Enabled
        Link-Flap Detection:    Disabled
        Unicast Flooding:       Enabled
        Multicast Flooding:     Enabled
        Broadcast Flooding:     Enabled


The following command displays port information with ingress filtering for MAC-based VLANs enabled:

# show ports 1:2 information detail
Port:   1:2
        Virtual-router: VR-Default
        Type:           UTP
        Random Early drop:      Unsupported
        Admin state:    Enabled with  auto-speed sensing  auto-duplex
        Link State:     Ready
        Link Ups:       0        Last: --
        Link Downs:     0        Last: --
        VLAN cfg:
                 Name: SYS_VLAN_0300, Internal Tag = 300(MAC-Based with ingress filtering on), MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
                 Name: SYS_VLAN_0301, Internal Tag = 301(MAC-Based with ingress filtering on), MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
                 Name: SYS_VLAN_0500, 802.1Q Tag = 500, MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
                       Port-specific VLAN ID:  500
                 Name: SYS_VLAN_0501, 802.1Q Tag = 501, MAC-limit = No-limit, Virtual router:   VR-Default
                       Port-specific VLAN ID:  501
        STP cfg:
                 Name: SYS_VLAN_0301 Protocol: ANY      Match all protocols.
                 Name: SYS_VLAN_0300 Protocol: ANY      Match all protocols.
        Trunking:       Load sharing is not enabled.
        EDP:            Enabled
        EEE:            Disabled
        ELSM:           Disabled
        Ethernet OAM:           Disabled
        MACsec:         Disabled
        Learning:       Enabled
        Link-Flap Detection:    Disabled
        Unicast Flooding:       Enabled
        Multicast Flooding:     Enabled
        Broadcast Flooding:     Enabled
        Jumbo:          Disabled
        Flow Control:   Rx-Pause: Enabled       Tx-Pause: Disabled
        Priority Flow Control: Disabled
        Reflective Relay:       Disabled
        Link up/down SNMP trap filter setting:  Enabled
        Egress Port Rate:       No-limit
        Broadcast Rate:         No-limit
        Multicast Rate:         No-limit
        Unknown Dest Mac Rate:  No-limit
        QoS Profile:    None configured
        Ingress Rate Shaping :          Unsupported
        Ingress IPTOS Examination:      Disabled
        Ingress 802.1p Examination:     Enabled
        Ingress 802.1p Inner Exam:      Disabled
        Ingress 802.1p Priority:        0
        Egress IPTOS Replacement:       Disabled
        Egress 802.1p Replacement:      Disabled
        QOS Profile Settings:     QP1  MinBw =     0%  MaxBw =   100%  MaxBuf =   100%  Weight =    1
                                  QP8  MinBw =     0%  MaxBw =   100%  MaxBuf =   100%  Weight =    1
        NetLogin:                       Disabled
        NetLogin port mode:             MAC based VLANs with ingress filtering on
        Smart redundancy:               Enabled
        Software redundant port:        Disabled
        IPFIX:   Disabled               Metering:  Ingress, All Packets, All Traffic
                IPv4 Flow Key Mask:     SIP:            DIP:
                IPv6 Flow Key Mask:     SIP: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
                                        DIP: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
        auto-polarity:                  Enabled
        Shared packet buffer:           default
        VMAN CEP egress filtering:      Disabled
        Isolation:                      Off
        PTP Configured:                 Disabled
        Time-Stamping Mode:             None
        Dynamic VLAN Uplink:            Disabled
        VM Tracking Dynamic VLANs:      Disabled


The following command displays port information for ports 23 and 24 with MDI and MDIX mode configured and auto-polarity disabled:

# show port 23 information detail | in polarity
        auto-polarity:                  Disabled (MDI)
# show port 24 information detail | in polarity
        auto-polarity:                  Disabled (MDIX)


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Information on ingress rate shaping was added in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Network Login, Smart Redundancy, and rate limiting were added in ExtremeXOS 11.1.

Information on unicast, multicast, and broadcast flooding; the Port not present parameter; and autopolarity status were added in ExtremeXOS 11.2.

The netlogin parameters were added in ExtremeXOS 11.3.

The output command was modified in ExtremeXOS 12.1 so that when learning is disabled with the disabled learning port command, a new w flag appears in the output.

Link Ups and Link Downs information was added to the output and the tag value was added to the command syntax in ExtremeXOS 12.4.4.

Industrial Temperature detail added to Type field in ExtremeXOS 15.1.2.



The Industrial Temperature detail is only displayed only when detail is used. Without it, the output is compressed and the optic type is not displayed.

The show output was enhanced to display the SNMP ifMib ifAlias accessible string size information.

The show output was updated to include the current status of non-Extreme optical devices in ExtremeXOS 15.4.

Link-flap detection information was added in ExtremeXOS 22_1.

Available Port Partitions was added to show port speed licensing information for ExtremeSwitching X870-96x-8c switches in ExtremeXOS 22.2.

IEEE Forward Error Correction (FEC) Clause 74 or 91 modes status was added in ExtremeXOS 22.3.

MACsec flag (S) and LRM/MACsec adapter in the detail Type field was added in ExtremeXOS 30.1.

LRM/MACsec Adapter port state information was added in ExtremeXOS 30.4.

Mismatched port compatility indication was added in ExtremeXOS 31.3.

Ingress filtering for MAC-based VLANs was added in ExtremeXOS 31.5.

mdi-mode information was added in version 32.6.

Platform Availability