The following entry accepts all the UDP packets from the subnet that are destined for the host, with source port 190 and a destination port in the range of 1200 to 1250:
entry udpacl { if { source-address; destination-address; protocol udp; source-port 190; destination-port 1200 - 1250; } then { permit; } }
The following rule entry accepts TCP packets from the subnet with a source port larger than 190 and ACK & SYN bits set and also increments the counter tcpcnt. The packets will be forwarded using QoS profile QP3.
entry tcpacl { if { source-address; protocol TCP; source-port > 190; tcp-flags syn_ack; } then { permit; count tcpcnt ; qosprofile qp3; } }
The following example denies ICMP echo request (ping) packets originating from the subnet, and increments the counter icmpcnt:
entry icmp { if { source-address; protocol icmp; icmp-type echo-request; } then { deny; count icmpcnt; } }
The following example prevents TCP connections from being established from the subnet, but allows established connections to continue, and allows TCP connections to be established to that subnet. A TCP connection is established by sending a TCP packet with the SYN flag set, so this example blocks TCP SYN packets.
entry permit-established { if { source-address; protocol TCP; tcp-flags syn; } then { deny; } }
The following entry denies every packet and increments the counter default:
entry default { if { } then { deny; count default; } }
The following entry permits only those packets with destination MAC addresses whose first 32 bits match 00:01:02:03:
entry rule1 { if { ethernet-destination-address 00:01:02:03:01:01 ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00 ; } then { permit ; } }
The following entry denies IPv6 packets from source addresses in the 2001:db8:c0a8::/48 subnets and to destination addresses in the 2001:db8:c0a0:1234::/64 subnets:
entry ipv6entry { if { source-address 2001:DB8:C0A8:: / 48; destination-address 2001:DB8:C0A0:1234:: / 64; } then { deny; } }
Access lists have entries to match an Ethernet type, so be careful when configuring access lists to deny all traffic. For example, the following rule entries permit traffic only to destination and block any other packet.
entry test_policy_4 { if { source-address; destination-address; } then { permit; count test_policy_permit; } } # deny everyone else entry test_policy_99 { if { } then { deny; count test_policy_deny; } }
Since the deny section does not specify an Ethernet type, all traffic other than IP packets destined to are blocked, including the ARP packets. To allow ARP packets, add an entry for the Ethernet type, 1x0806, as shown below.
entry test_policy_5 { if { ethernet-type 0x0806; } then { permit; count test_policy_permit; } }
The following entries use vlan-ids to set up meters based on individual VLANs.
myServices.pol entry voiceService { if { vlan-id 100; } then { meter voiceServiceMeter; } } entry videoService { if { vlan-id 101; } then { meter videoServiceMeter; } } …and so on.
To bind this ACL to a port with vlan-id match criteria use the following command:
config access-list myServices port <N>
The following entry shows how to take action based on VLAN tag priority information. In this example, the dot1p match keyword is used to allow and count every tagged packet with a VLAN priority tag of 3.
entry count_specific_packets { if { dot1p 3; } then { count allowed_pkts; permit; } }