The following tables, groups, and variables are supported in this MIB.

Table/Group Supported Variables Comments
extremeSaveConfiguration When this object is set, the device copies the contents of the configuration database to a buffer and saves it to the persistent store specified by the value of the object. The save is performed asynchronously, and the SNMP agent continues to respond to both gets and sets while the save is taking place. A network management application may use the extremeSaveStatus object to determine when the asynchronous save operation has completed.
extremeSaveStatus This object returns the status of a save operation invoked by setting the extremeSaveConfiguration object. A network management application can read this object to determine that a save operation has completed.
extremeCurrentConfigInUse Shows which NVRAM configuration store was used at last boot.
extremeConfigToUseOnReboot Controls which NVRAM configuration store will be used on next reboot.
extremeOverTemperatureAlarm Alarm status of overtemperature sensor in device enclosure.
extremePrimaryPowerOperational Not supported. Always returns True.
extremePowerStatus Not supported. Always returns presentOK.
extremePowerAlarm Not supported. Always returns False.
extremeRedundantPowerAlarm Not supported. Always returns presentOK.
extremeInputPowerVoltage Contains the input voltage of the latest power-supply to power-on in a system with multiple power-supplies.
extremePrimarySoftwareRev This value indicates the revision number of the software image on the primary partition.
extremeSecondarySoftwareRev This value indicates the revision number of the software image on the secondary partition.
ExtremeImageToUseOnReboot This value indicates the partition where the software image is located and to be used on the next boot.
extremeSystemID This represents the system ID of a switch.
extremeSystemBoardID Not supported.
extremeBootROMVersion Returns information for the current MSM only.
extremeDot1dTpFdbTableEnable Not supported.

extremeFanStatusTable extremeFanStatusEntry Operational status of all internal cooling fans.
extremeFanNumber Identifier of cooling fan, numbered from the front and/or left side of device.
extremeFanOperational Operational status of a cooling fan.
extremeFanEntPhysicalIndex The entity index for this fan entity in the entityPhysicalTable table of the entity MIB.
extremeFanSpeed The speed (RPM) of a cooling fan in the fantray.
extremeCpuTaskTable All objects Not supported.
extremeCpuTask2Table All objects Not supported.
extremeSlotTable All objects Cards are currently not configurable via SNMP.
extremePowerSupplyEntPhysicalIndex extremePowerSupplyEntPhysicalIndex The entity index for this psu entity in the entityPhysicalTable of the entity MIB.
extremePowerSupplyNumber extremePowerSupplyNumber Power supply number.
extremePowerSupplySerialNumber extremePowerSupplySerialNumber The serial number of the power supply unit.
extremePowerSupplySource extremePowerSupplySource The power supply unit input source.
extremePowerSupplyTable extremePowerSupplyStatus Status of the power supply.
extremePowerSupplyInputVoltage Input voltage of the power supply.
extremePowerSupplyFan1Speed The speed of Fan-1 in the power supply unit.
extremePowerSupplyFan2Speed The speed of Fan-2 in the power supply unit.
extremePowerSupplyInputPowerUsage Input power usage for the given psu slot. The value 0 in this field indicates the power usage is not supported or that there is a read failure.
extremePowerMonSupplyNumOutput Number of output sensors in the power supply unit.
extremePowerSupplyInputPowerUsageUnitMultiplier The magnitude of watts for the usage value in extremePowerSupplyInputPowerUsage.
extremePowerSupplyTotalPowerAvailable Total power available.
extremePowerSupplyOutputVoltage Output voltage.
extremePowerSupplyOutputCurrent Output current.
extremePowerSupplyOutputPowerTable extremePowerSupplyIndex Power supply unit slot index.
extremePowerSupplyOutputSensorIdx Power supply Sensor index.
extremePowerSupplyOutputVoltage Output voltage per sensor for the current PSU slot number. A zero (0) in this field indicates that the PSU does not support output voltage reading or else there is an output voltage read error.
extremePowerSupplyOutputCurrent Output current per sensor for the current PSU slot number. A zero (0) in this field indicates that the PSU does not support output current reading or else there is an output current read error.
extremePowerSupplyOutputUnitMultiplier The magnitude of volts and amps for the usage value in extremePowerSupplyOutputVoltage and extremePowerSupplyOutputCurrent.
extremePowerSupplyUsageTable extremeSlotIndex Slot number in the stack- based system.
extremePowerSupplyUsageValue Power usage of the particular slot in the stack. The power usage is measured in milliwatts.
extremePowerSupplyUnitMultiplier The magnitude of watts for the usage value in extremePowerSupplyUsageValue.
extremeSystemPowerUsage extremeSystemPowerUsageValue The current power usage of the system. In stack mode. this variable tells the total power usage of the entire system.
extremeSystemPowerUsageUnitMultiplier The magnitude of watts for the usage value in extremeSystemPowerUsageValue.
extremeSystemPowerMonitorTable extremeSystemPowerMonitorIndex1 Reserved. Can be used for future expansion. Currently set to zero.
extremeSystemPowerMonitorPollInterval Configure how often input power is measured. It is configured in seconds with a default value of 60 seconds. If zero (0) is configured, then the input power measurement is disabled.
extremeSystemPowerMonitorReportChanges Configure report-changes. Has none or log or trap or log-and-trap, with a default of none.
extremeSystemPowerMonitorChangeThreshold Configure the input power change threshold to initiate report-changes action. By default 2 watts is configured. This field is configured in watts.
extremeSystemPowerUsageNotification sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremeSystemPowerUsageValue, extremeSystemPowerUsageUnitMultiplier Whenever the power usage is increased/decreased by the configured threshold value, then the power usage trap is generated if the trap is enabled.
extremeImageTable extremeImageNumber This table contains image information for all images installed on the device.extremeImageNumber values are not compatible with EW releases. Current image has value 3 instead of 0.
extremeMajorVersion This is the first number within the software image version number which consists of 4 numbers separated by a period.
extremeMinorVersion This is the second number within the software image version number.
extremeBuildNumber This is the fourth number within the software image version number.
extremeTechnologyReleaseNumber The technology release version. This value is zero for all but TR releases.
extremeSustainingReleaseNumber The sustaining release number for the ExtremeXOS version.
extremeBranchRevisionNumber This is the branch from where the software image was built.
extremeImageType This is the software image type (for example, ExtremeXOS core, ExtremeXOS module, ExtremeXOS firmware).
extremeImageDescription Description of image contains image version, including major version, submajor version, minor version, build version, build branch, build-master login, and build date.
extremePatchVersion The ExtremeXOS release patch version. This is the third number within the software image version number.
extremeImageFeatureTable extremeImageFeatureEntry A table containing information about the software features.

A unique integer identifying the particular software image. This indicates the partition on which the image is loaded:

0—Current partition1—Primary partition2—Secondary partition


Indicates whether image has SSH capability:

1=nossh—shown by default when the SSH license is not enabled.2=ssh—shown when the SSH license is enabled.

extremeImageUAACapability Not supported.
extremeCpuMonitorInterval This value determines how frequent CPU usage will be monitored.
extremeCpuMonitorTotalUtilization This value indicates the total CPU utilization.
extremeCpuMonitorTable This value indicates the total CPU utilization.
extremeCpuMonitorSlotId This value indicates the slot ID where the CPU is being monitored.
extremeCpuMonitorProcessName This value indicates the process name for the process being monitored.
extremeCpuMonitorProcessId This value indicates the process ID.
extremeCpuMonitorProcessState This value indicates the current state of the process.
extremeCpuMonitorUtilization5secs This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 5 seconds.


This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 10 seconds.
extremeCpuMonitorUtilization30secs This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 30 seconds.
extremeCpuMonitorUtilization1min This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 1minute.
extremeCpuMonitorUtilization5mins This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 5 minutes.
extremeCpuMonitorUtilization30mins This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 30 minutes.
extremeCpuMonitorUtilization1hour This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 1 hour.
extremeCpuMonitorUserTime This value indicates the CPU usage under User Mode.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemTime This value indicates the CPU usage under system mode.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemTable This table contains CPU monitoring information for all system processes.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemSlotId This value indicates the slot ID where the CPU is being monitored.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization5secs This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 5 seconds.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization10secs This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 10 seconds.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization30secs This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 30 seconds.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization1min This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 1 minute.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization5mins This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 5 minutes.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization30mins This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 30 minutes.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization1hour This value indicates the CPU utilization in the past 1 hour.
extremeCpuMonitorSystemMaxUtilization This value indicates the maximum CPU utilization so far.



This table contains system-level memory monitor information.

extremeMemoryMonitorSystemSlotId This value indicates the slot ID where the memory is being monitored.
extremeMemoryMonitorSystemTotal This value indicates the total memory installed on the switch.
extremeMemoryMonitorSystemFree This value indicates the amount of memory that is free.
extremeMemoryMonitorSystemUsage This value indicates the amount of memory consumed for kernel code.
extremeMemoryMonitorUserUsage This value indicates the amount of memory consumed by user processes as well as the kernel.
extremeMemoryMonitorTable This table contains memory monitor information for each user process.
extremeMemoryMonitorSlotId This value indicates the slot ID where the memory is being monitored.
extremeMemoryMonitorProcessName This value indicates the name of the process being monitored.
extremeMemoryMonitorUsage This value indicates the amount of memory being consumed by this user process.
extremeMemoryMonitorLimit Not supported.