Installing a Modular Software Package

In addition to the functionality available in the ExtremeXOS core image, you can add functionality to your switch by installing modular software packages or feature packs. A complete listing of these feature packs can be found with their availability requirements in the ExtremeXOS 32.6.1 Feature License Requirements document.

Modular software packages are contained in files named with the file extension .xmod, while the core images use the file extension .xos.

Modular software packages are built at the same time as core images and are designed to work in concert with the core image, so the <major>.<minor>.<patch> field of a modular software package must match the <major>.<minor>.<patch> field of the core image that it will be running with. For example, the modular software package for tech support named:


Can run only with the core image named:


You can install a modular software package on the active or inactive partition. You would install on the active partition if you want to add the package functionality to the currently running core image without having to reboot the switch. You would install on the inactive partition if you want the functionality available after a switch reboot.

To install the package on the inactive partition, you use the same process that you use to install a new core image. Follow the process described in Installing a Core Image.

Activate the installed modular software package either by rebooting the switch or by issuing the following command: run update

You can uninstall packages by issuing the following command:

uninstall image fname partition {msm slotid} {reboot}



Do not terminate a process that was installed since the last reboot unless you have saved your configuration. If you have installed a software module and you terminate the newly installed process without saving your configuration, your module may not be loaded when you attempt to restart the process with the start process command.