SLCD Messages


Message:CF life percentage used up is between 90 - 95 on card No. <CF Card number in integer>, Actual percentage <life span of CF used up in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the compact flash (CF) life span left over is a little more than 5 percent as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: The CF card must be replaced as soon as possible. Contact your switch service provider for the CF card replacement.


Message: CF life span percentage is between 95 - 99 on card No. <CF Card number in integer>, Actual percentage <Life span used up on CF in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the compact flash (CF) life span left over is between 1 and 5 percent as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: The CF card must be replaced immediately for proper functioning. Contact your switch service provider for the CF card replacement.


Message: CF life span percentage left is less than 1 on card No. <CF Card number in integer>, Actual percentage <Life span used up on CF card in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the compact flash (CF) life span left over is less than 1 percent as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: A new CF card is required for proper functioning of the chassis. Contact your switch service provider for the CF card replacement.


Message: CF life span percentage left on Card No <CF Card number in integer> is - <Life span left on CF card in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates the available life span of the compact flash (CF) as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Spare Blocks percentage left on Card No. <CF Card number in integer> is between 5-10,Actual percentage is - <Spare Blocks left in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG


Probable Cause: Indicates that the spare blocks percentage left on the compact flash (CF) card is between 5 and 10 percent as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: The CF card must be replaced as soon as possible. Contact your switch service provider for the CF card replacement.


Message: Spare Blocks percentage left on CF Card No. <CF Card number in integer> is between 1-5,Actual percentage is - <Spare Blocks left in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the spare blocks percentage left on the compact flash (CF) card is between 1 and 5 percent as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: The CF card must be replaced immediately for proper functioning. Contact your switch service provider for the CF card replacement.


Message: Spare Blocks percentage left on CF Card No. <CF Card number in integer> are less than 1,Actual percentage is - <Spare Blocks left in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the spare blocks percentage left on the compact flash (CF) card is less than 1 percent as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: A new CF card is required for proper functioning of the chassis. Contact your switch service provider for the CF card replacement.


Message: Spare Blocks percentage left on CF Card No. <CF Card number in integer> are - <Spare Blocks left in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates the percentage of the spare blocks left on the compact flash (CF) card as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Unable to get Wear leveling stats for CF card No. <CF Card number in integer>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause:Indicates that wear leveling data cannot be retrieved from the attached compact flash (CF) card.

Recommended Action: Check the availability and healthiness of the CF card immediately for proper functioning.


Message: CF wear leveling daemon Failed to find any western digital (WD) CF cards attached.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates an error in enumerating the attached compact flash (CF) cards.

Recommended Action: Check the availability and connection to the CF cards immediately for proper functioning.


Message: CF life percentage used for card No. <CF Card number in integer> is <life span of CF used up in percentage>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates the used life span of the compact flash (CF) card as reported by the CF wear leveling statistics.

Recommended Action: No action is required.