Message:CPU usage reached <Percentage of current cpu usage> percent, execeeded the threshold.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates the CPU usage exceeded the configured threshold, therefore triggered the alart action.
Recommended Action: Execute the show process cpu command for more information.
Message:The system free memory is at <current low memory usage> KBytes and is below the threshold.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates the system low memory usage exceeded the configured threshold.
Recommended Action: Execute the show process memory command for more information.
Message:High memory usage reached <current high memory usage> Kbytes, execeeded the threshold.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates the system high memory usage exceeded the configured threshold, therefore triggered the alart action.
Recommended Action: Execute the show process memory command for more information.
Message:Process <Process name and PID and current memory usage in KBytes> PID <Process name and PID and current memory usage in KBytes> memory usage reached <Process name and PID and current memory usage in KBytes> KBytes, execeeded the alarm threshold.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates the process based memory usage exceeded the configured alarm threshold, therefore triggered the alart action.
Recommended Action: Execute the show process memory command for more information. Check for memory leak if suspected.
Message:Process <Process name and PID and current memory usage in KBytes> PID <Process name and PID and current memory usage in KBytes> memory usage reached <Process name and PID and current memory usage in KBytes> KBytes, execeeded the critical threshold.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates the process based memory usage exceeded the configured critical threshold, therefore triggered the alart action.
Recommended Action: Execute the show process memory command for more information.