HASM Messages


Message: Daemon <Component name> terminated. System initiated reload/failover for recovery.

Message Type:LOG


Probable Cause: Indicates that the software watchdog detected termination of a daemon and the system will reload or failover to recover.

Recommended Action: After the system reloads, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: Error happens on service instance <Service type name> <Service instance name>: <Error message> (Critical).

Message Type:LOG | FFDC


Probable Cause: Indicates software failure.

Recommended Action:Execute the copy support command and reload the system manually to recover.


Message: Error happened on service instance <Service type name> <Service instance name>: <Error message>.

Message Type:LOG


Probable Cause:Indicates a software error such as mismatch in the fabric synchronization service (FSS) configuration.

Recommended Action:Execute the copy support command and reload the system manually to recover.


Message: <Blade name> Processor reloaded - <Reboot Reason>.

Message Type: AUDIT | LOG


Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has been reloaded either because of a user action or an error. The switch reload can be initiated by one of the following commands: firmware download, fastboot, ha failover, and reload. Some examples of errors that may initiate this message are hardware errors, software errors, compact flash (CF) errors, or memory errors. The reason for reload can be any of the following:

• Hafailover

• Reset

• Fastboot

• Giveup Master:SYSM

• CP Faulty:SYSM

• FirmwareDownload

• ConfigDownload:MS

• ChangeWWN:EM

• Reboot:WebTool

• Fastboot:WebTool

• Software Fault:Software Watchdog

• Software Fault:Kernel Panic

• Software Fault:ASSERT

• Reboot:SNMP

• Fastboot:SNMP

• Reboot

• Chassis Config

• Reload:API

• Reload:HAM

• EMFault:EM

Recommended Action: Check the error log on both management modules for additional messages that may indicate the reason for the switch reload.


Message: Restartable daemon (<Component name>) terminated prematurely. System initiated failover/reload for recovery.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a restartable daemon terminated before the system has booted up completely.

Recommended Action: After the system reloads, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: Daemon (<Component name>) terminated while the system was booting up.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a daemon terminated before the system has booted up completely.

Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command and reload the system manually to recover.


Message: Error happens on service instance <Service type name> <Service instance name>: <Error message> (Critical, reboot to recover).

Message Type: LOG | FFDC

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates software failure.

Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command after the system boots up.


Message: Daemon (<Component name>) was successfully restarted after termination.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that a daemon was successfully restarted after being terminated.

Recommended Action:No action is required.


Message: Firmware operation (<operation code>) was aborted due to timeout.

Message Type: LOG | FFDC | VCS

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the firmware operation took too long to complete due to CPU overload or other software errors.

Recommended Action: No action is required. Firmware commit will be started automatically to repair the compact flash (CF) partitions in the system.


Message: Firmware operation (<operation code>) was aborted manually.

Message Type: LOG | VCS

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified firmware operation was aborted manually.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Failed to fork firmware child process.

Message Type: LOG | VCS

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the firmware operation could not be started due to a software error.

Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: The last reboot is due to Kernel Panic in <Module name>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has reloaded due to kernel panic in the specified module.

Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: The secondary switch needs linecard power-cycle for the connector configuration to take effect.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that a static port breakout operation has completed and the line card (LC) needs to be power cycled for the changes to take effect.

Recommended Action: Power cycle the LC whose 40 Gigabit Ethernet port has been broken out by using the power-off linecard and power-on linecard commands for the changes to take effect.


Message: The secondary switch needs reload or linecard power-cycle for the port-group configuration to take effect.

Message Type: LOG


Probable Cause: Indicates that a static port group operation has completed and the line card (LC) needs to be power cycled for the changes to take effect.

Recommended Action: Power cycle the linecard whose port group configuration has been changed to performance mode by using the power-off linecard and power-on linecard commands for the changes to take effect.


Message: The secondary switch needs to be rebooted for the new hardware profile configuration to take effect.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the secondary node has taken on a new hardware profile configuration from primary database upon rejoining the cluster.

Recommended Action: The secondary switch need to be rebooted for the new profile configuration to take effect.

Execute the reload system command to reboot the secondary switch.


Message: Failed to find the custom KAP profile specified. Use the default KAP profile instead.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates failure to find the custom Keep-alive Protocol (KAP) profile specified in the user configuration. It will instead use the default KAP profile to boot up the switch.

Recommended Action: Verify the hardware KAP profile configuration. This is likely an error condition.


Message: Switch bring-up timed out.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the system timed out during a reload or failover sequence, waiting for one or more programs to register with system services or to fail over to active status.

Recommended Action: If the switch is in an inconsistent state, reload or power cycle the chassis. Before reloading the chassis, record the firmware version on the switch or management module and execute the ha dump command. If this is a dual-management module switch, gather the output from the management module in which this log message appeared.


Message: All service instances become active.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that all service instances became active. Active is an intermediate stage in the boot process.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: The system is ready for configuration replay.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that all line cards (LCs) are online and the system is ready for configuration replay.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Configuration replay has completed on the system.

Message Type:LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that configuration replay has completed.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Configuration replay has completed on <slot/partition>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that configuration replay has completed on the specified slot or partition.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Current version <firwmare version string>.

Message Type: LOG | VCS


Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates the current firmware version string.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: New version <firmware version string>.

Message Type: LOG | VCS


Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates the new firmware version string after firmware download.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: All service instances on Active.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that all service instances on Active.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Detected termination of process <Software component>:<Software component Process ID>.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that a process on the switch has ended unexpectedly.

Recommended Action: Copy the warning message along with any core file information and contact your switch service provider.


Message: <Software component>:<Software component Process ID> failed to refresh (<Current time>:<Refresh time>, kill-<signal killed>).

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that one of the daemons is found to be unresponsive. An abort signal is sent.

Recommended Action: Copy the warning message along with any core file information and contact your switch service provider.


Message: Detected termination of hasmd process <HASM Process ID>.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the High Availability System Management (HASM) daemon has terminated unexpectedly.

Recommended Action: Copy the warning message along with any core file information and contact your switch service provider.