This section provides information on configuring the system message logs.
To disable a single RASLog message or all messages in a module, perform the following steps.
Use the following commands to disable a single RASLog message or all messages that belong to a module:
switch:admin> logging raslog message NSM-1001 suppress 2017/07/20-13:28:37, [LOG-1007], 375, M1, INFO, switch, Log message NS-1001 RASLOG message has been disabled.
Use the show running-config logging raslog message message_ID command to verify the status of the message.
switch:admin> logging raslog module NSM 2017/07/20-13:28:37, [LOG-1007], 375, CHASSIS, INFO, switch, Log Module NSM module RASLOG message has been suppress.
Use the show running-config logging raslog module module_ID command to verify the status of the messages that belong to a module.
To enable a single RASLog message or all messages in a module that were previously disabled, perform the following steps.
Use the following commands to enable a single RASLog message or all messages that belong to a module:
switch:admin> no logging raslog message NS-1001 suppress 2017/07/20-13:24:43, [LOG-1008], 374, M1, INFO, switch, Log Module NSM-1001 RASLOG message has been enabled.
Use the show running-config logging raslog message message_ID command to verify the status of the message.
switch:admin> no logging raslog module NSM 2017/07/20-13:24:43, [LOG-1008], 374, M1, INFO, switch, Log Module NSM has been enabled.
Use the show running-config logging raslog module module_ID command to verify the status of the messages that belong to a module.
To change the default severity level of a RASLog message, perform the following steps.
switch:admin> logging raslog message SEC-1203 severity WARNING
switch:admin> show running-config logging raslog message SEC-1203 severity WARNING