Message:MsgQ enqueue failed (rc: <rc>).
Message Type: DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates an internal inter-process communication (IPC) failure due to the scalability scenario.
Recommended Action: Reduce the number of groups and MRouter ports.
Message: IPC with McastSS failed (message-id: <message-id>, rc: <rc>).
Message Type: DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates an internal inter-process communication (IPC) failure due to the scalability scenario.
Recommended Action: Reduce the number of groups and MRouter ports.
Message: MRouter eNS update from a VCS RBridge (ID:<rbid>) running lower firmware version.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates an older message update.
Recommended Action: Upgrade the VCS RBridge firmware to the latest build.
Message: IGMP maximum VLANs enabled. Cannot enable IGMP on <vlan>.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the number of VLANs on which Internet Group Multicast Protocol (IGMP) can be enabled has reached the maximum limit. Therefore, IGMP cannot be enabled on the specified VLAN.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: IGMP snooping enabled on total <vlan> VLANs. Maximum limit reached.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the number of VLANs on which Internet Group Multicast Protocol (IGMP) can be enabled has reached the maximum limit.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: IGMP snooping enabled on <vlan>.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Internet Group Multicast Protocol (IGMP) is enabled on a particular VLAN.
Recommended Action: No action is required.