LIC Messages


Message: Out of memory in module <Function name>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that an unexpected internal memory allocation failure has occurred.

Recommended Action: Try the operation again. If this operation fails, reload or fail over the switch.


Message: License is needed in linecard <Slot>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that an License is not installed in the LC.

Recommended Action: Remove the config for the feature(s) for which license is required and power cycle the LC.


Message: License:<String> added to slot:<Number>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause:

Recommended Action:


Message: License:<String> removed from slot:<Number>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause:

Recommended Action:


Message: License EULA accepted for <Feature> feature.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: User has accepted usage of feature using Self Authenticated Upgrade .

Recommended Action:


Message: License EULA declined for <Feature> feature.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: User has declined usage of feature using Self Authenticated Upgrade.

Recommended Action:


Message: Failed to read License Identifier from hardware. Licenses will be invalid. (error code=<Number>)

Message Type: LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that access to World Wide Name (WWN) card has failed.

Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch, or replace the platform hardware.