Message:Failed to parse the pdm config.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) process could not parse the configuration file. This may be caused due to a missing configuration file during the installation.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: pdm [-d] -S <service> -s <instance>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that a syntax error occurred when trying to launch the parity data manager (PDM) process.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: PDM memory shortage.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) process ran out of memory.
Recommended Action: Restart or power cycle the switch.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Too many files in sync.conf.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the sync.conf configuration file contains too many entries.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: File not created: <file name>. errno=<errno>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) process failed to create the specified file.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Cannot update Port Config Data.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) system call for setting port configuration (setCfg) failed.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: File open failed: <file name>, errno=<errno>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) process could not open the specified file.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: File read failed: <file name>, Length (read=<Number of character read>, expected=<Number of characters expected>), errno=<errno returned by read>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) process could not read data from the specified file.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: File write failed: <file name>. Length (read=<Number of character read>, write=<Number of characters written>), errno=<errno returned by write>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the parity data manager (PDM) process could not write data to the specified file.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: File empty: <File Name>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch configuration file /etc/fabos/fabos.[0|1].conf is empty.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Access sysmod failed.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that a system call to sysMod failed.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: System (<Error Code>): <Command>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified system call failed.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: File path or trigger is too long.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that a line in the pdm.conf file is too long.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Failed to download area port map.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause:Indicates that a system call failed.
Recommended Action: Execute the firmware download command to reinstall the firmware.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.