Understanding RASLog messages

This section provides information on the RASLog message format.

RASLog messages

The following example shows the format of a RASLog message.

<Timestamp>, [<Event ID>], <Sequence Number>, <Flags>,<Severity>,<Switch name>,
<Event-specific information>

The following example shows the sample messages from the log.

2017/06/15-19:30:04, [HASM-1101], 3, M1 | Standby, WARNING, SLX9850-4, HA State out of sync.
2017/06/15-19:30:06, [RAS-1007], 4, M1 | Standby, INFO, SLX9850-4, System is about to reload.
2017/06/15-19:31:53, [HASM-1004], 5,  INFO, SLX9850-4, Processor reloaded - ChassisReboot.
2017/06/15-19:32:19, [HASM-1104], 6, M1 | Standby, INFO, SLX9850-4, Heartbeat to M2 up.

The following table describes the fields in the error message.

Table 1. RAS message field description
Variable name Description

The system time (UTC) when the message was generated on the switch. The RASLog subsystem supports an internationalized time stamp format that is based on the “LOCAL” setting.

Event ID

The Event ID, which is the message module and number. These values uniquely identify each message in SLX-OS and reference the cause and actions recommended in this document. Note that not all message numbers are used; the numeric message sequence can contain gaps.

Sequence Number

The error message position in the log. When a new message is added to the log, this number is incremented by 1.

The message sequence number starts at 1 after a firmware download operation and increases to a value of as much as 2,147,483,647 (0x7ffffff). The sequence number continues to increase after the message log wraps around; that is, the oldest message in the log is deleted when a new message is added. The message sequence numbering is not split for the system and DCE message logs. The sequence number can be reset to 1 by using the clear logging raslog command. However, the sequence number is not reset if you clear a particular message type, for example, DCE. The sequence number is persistent across power cycles and switch reboots.


For most messages, a space character (null value) indicating that the message is neither a DCE or FFDC message. Messages may contain the following values:

• DCE: Indicates a message generated by the protocol-based modules.

• FFDC: Indicates that additional first failure data capture information has also been generated for this event.


The severity level of the message, which can be one of the following:





Switch name

The defined switch name or chassis name of the switch. This value is truncated if it exceeds 16 characters.

Event-specific information

A text string explaining the error encountered and providing the parameters supplied by the software at run time.

AUDIT event messages

Compared to LOG error messages, messages flagged as AUDIT provide additional user and system-related information of interest for post-event auditing and problem determination.

The following example shows the format of the AUDIT event message.

<Sequence Number> AUDIT, <Timestamp>, [<Event ID>], <Severity>, <Event Class>,
<User ID>/<Role>/<IP address>/<Interface>/<app name>, <Reserved field for future
expansion>, <Switch name>, <Event-specific information>

The following is a sample AUDIT event message.

0 AUDIT,2017/08/26-07:51:32 (GMT), [DCM-2001], INFO, DCMCFG,
root/none/,, VDX6720-24, Event: noscli start, Status: success,
Info: Successful login attempt through console from

The following table describes the fields in the AUDIT event message.

Table 2. AUDIT message field description
Variable name Description
Sequence Number The error message position in the log.
AUDIT An AUDIT message.

The system time (UTC) when the message was generated on the switch. The RASLog subsystem supports an internationalized time stamp format that is based on the “LOCAL” setting.

Event ID

The Event ID, which is the message module and number. These values uniquely identify each message in the SLX-OS and reference the cause and actions recommended in this document. Note that not all message numbers are used; the numeric message sequence can contain gaps.


The severity level of the message, which can be one of the following:





Event Class

The event class, which can be one of the following:




User ID The user ID.
Role The role of the user.
IP Address The IP address.
Interface The interface being used.
Application Name The application name being used on the interface.

Reserved field for future expansion

This field is reserved for future use and contains a space character (null value).
Switch name

The defined switch name or chassis name of the switch. This value is truncated if it is over 16 characters.

Event-specific information

A text string explaining the error encountered and providing the parameters supplied by the software at runtime.