Message:<message>: <message>.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to allocate memory.
Recommended Action: Check the memory usage on the switch using the show process memory command.
Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: <msg>.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session state has changed.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <msg>.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session is enabled.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id>] state changed from Backup To Master, Reason: Hold timer and Session timer expired.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session state transition from Backup to Master.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id>] state changed from Backup To Master, Reason: Session timer expired.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session state transition from Backup to Master.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id> state changed from Backup To Master, Reason: Neighbor Interface IP is lower.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol/ (VRRP) session state transition from Backup to Master.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id> state changed from Master To Backup, Reason: Neighbor priority is higher.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session state transition from Master to Backup.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id> state changed from Master To Backup, Neighbor Interface IP is higher.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session state transition from Master to Backup.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id>] is enabled.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session is enabled.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <VRRP<VRRP Version> <VRRP Interface Name> [Session <VRRP Session Id>] is disabled.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) session is disabled.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <message>: <message>.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to initialize.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Unexpected error deleting Anycast-Gateway IPv6 session.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to deleting Anycast-Gateway IPv6 session.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Unable to allocate message queue.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to allocate message queue.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: ASP/IOT initialization failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to initilize ASP/IOT.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: FSS registration error.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause:Indicates that the system has failed to register fss.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Could not open the version file to read.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to open the version file.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Cannot create <Table_name> during initialization of VR.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to create Association or Session table.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Unexpected error on disabling VRRP session.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the Unexpected error during VRRP Session disable.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: NSM server protocol version error.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the NSM Server Protocol Version Error.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: NSM service is not sufficient.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the NSM Service is not sufficient.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: VRRP HA Registration failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the VRRP HA Registration Failure.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: VRRP HA Configuration failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the VRRP HA Configuration Failure.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Fail to INIT NSM THA Library.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the VRRP NSM HA Initilization Failure.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: nsm_lib_ha_tp_register failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the VRRP NSM Library Registration Failure.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: VRRP HA deregister failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates the VRRP deregister Failure.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Could not read the revision from the file.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has failed to read revision from the file.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: Error opening Socket.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in Opening the socket.
Recommended Action: If this is a modular switch, execute the ha failover command. If the problem persists or if this is a compact switch, download a new firmware version using the firmware download command.
Message: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP to <Membership_name> failed. Membership already exists.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in the IP Add Membership.
Recommended Action:
Message: Could not set IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP option on the socket.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in the IP Add Membership option.
Recommended Action:
Message: IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP to <Membership_name> membership doesn't exist.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in the IP DROP Membership.
Recommended Action:
Message: Can't setsockopt IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP setsockopt Error in setting IP DROP Membership.
Recommended Action:
Message: Socket creation failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Socket creation error.
Recommended Action:
Message: Setting <Multicast_Type> Multicast hops failed:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in Setting IPv4 Multihop.
Recommended Action:
Message: Failed to enable recv all VRF on socket.Error:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Socket enable recv error.
Recommended Action:
Message: Setting IPv4 TOS precedence failed:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in setting TOS Precedence.
Recommended Action:
Message: Setting recvif socket option on failed:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in setting recvif socket option.
Recommended Action:
Message: Failed to disable loopback on socket.Error:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in disabling Loopback port.
Recommended Action:
Message: Cannot set socket option to receive destination address.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Socket Error in setting destination Address.
Recommended Action:
Message: OS Can't bind VRRP socket:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in bind socket.
Recommended Action:
Message: Setting SO_REUSEADDR failed:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Reuse Address Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: Cannot set hoplimit:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in Setting hoplimit.
Recommended Action:
Message: Cannot Set Traffic Class:
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in Setting Traffic Class.
Recommended Action:
Message: Error transmitting VRRP advertisement.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Error in Sending Advertisement.
Recommended Action:
Message: Setting ipv6 set failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Socket set option Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: Cannot set IPv6 Checksum.
Message Type:LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP IPv6 Set CheckSum Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: NL Socket creation failed group: <group_name>
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Group Socket Creation Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: <message>: <message>.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Group Error in setting socked Send/Recv Buffer.
Recommended Action:
Message: Failed to bind nl socket.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Bind Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: Failed to Set setsockopt for group VRRP_GROUP_EVENT:<Event_Id>.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates VRRP Group Error in setsockopt.
Recommended Action:
Message: <message>: <message>.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: The input parameter is invalid.
Recommended Action: Make sure to input or pass the right parameter from cli or other daemon.
Message: Error in Transmitting Gratuitous ARP or ND.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Error in Sending Gratuitous ARP or ND.
Recommended Action:
Message: <message>: <message>.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: VRRP State Chage Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: add/delete Failed. Error Code <Error_code>
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: VRRP VMAC VIP Addition/Deletion Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: Error leaving mcast group.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: VRRP mcast group Error.
Recommended Action:
Message: State change to Master for AF <Session_id> Interface <Interface_Id> Failed.
Message Type: LOG | DCE
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: VRRP State Chage Error.
Recommended Action: