Message:<object>, Condition=<condition>, Current Value:<ms, values, units>, RuleName=<Rule name>, Dashboard Category=<Dashboard Category>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule has been triggered because the errors are above the configured threshold.
Recommended Action: No action is required. Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: <object>, Condition=<condition>, Current Value:<ms, values, units>, RuleName=<Rule name>, Dashboard Category=<Dashboard Category>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule has been triggered because the errors are above the configured threshold.
Recommended Action: No action is required. Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: <object>, Condition=<condition>, Current Value:<ms, values, units>, RuleName=<Rule name>, Dashboard Category=<Dashboard Category>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule has been triggered because the errors are above the configured threshold.
Recommended Action: No action is required. Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: <object>, Condition=<condition>, Current Value:<ms, values, units>, RuleName=<Rule name>, Dashboard Category=<Dashboard Category>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule has been triggered because the errors are above the configured threshold.
Recommended Action: No action is required. Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: Port(s) fenced due to RuleName=<Rule name>, Condition=<condition>, Obj:<object> <ms, values, units>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule has been triggered because the errors are above the configured threshold, and therefore the specified ports are fenced.
Recommended Action: Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: Port(s) decommissioned due to RuleName=<Rule name>, Condition=<condition>, Obj:<object> <ms, values, units>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule has been triggered because the errors are above the configured threshold, and therefore the specified ports are fenced.
Recommended Action: Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: Port decommission action failed on port <object>, with reason string, <reason>
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the port decommission has failed on an object.
Recommended Action: Respond to this message as is appropriate to the particular policy of the end-user installation.
Message: Switch wide status has changed from <Previous state> to <Current state>.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch is not in a healthy state. This occurred because of a rule violation.
Recommended Action: Check the accompanying RASLog messages to determine the cause of the state change.
Message: RuleName=<Rule name>, Condition=<condition>, Obj:<object, units> <Old state> has contributed to switch status <New state>.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch status has changed to a healthy state. This occurred because none of the factors are violated.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Rule <Rule name> is created.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule was created in the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Rule <Rule name> is deleted.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule was deleted from the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Rule <Rule name> is modified.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule was modified in the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Policy <Policy name> is created.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified policy was created in the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Policy <Policy name> is deleted.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified policy was deleted from the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Policy <Source Policy name> cloned to <Target Policy name>.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified policy was cloned in the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Policy <Policy name> activated.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified policy was activated in the system.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Rule <Rule name> added to Policy <Policy name>.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule was added to the specified policy.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Rule <Rule name> deleted from Policy <Policy name>.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified rule was deleted from the specified policy.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Policy <Policy name> updated.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified policy was updated.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Group <Group name> created.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified group was created.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Group <Group name> deleted.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified group was deleted.
Recommended Action:Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Group <Source group name> cloned to <Target group name>.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified group was cloned.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Group <Group name> modified.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified group was modified.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Flow <Flow name> imported.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified flow from Flow Vision is imported into MAPS.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Flow <Flow name> deimported.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified flow was removed from MAPS.
Recommended Action:Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Imported flow <Flow name> is a stale flow or currently does not exist in flow vision.
Message Type: LOG
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified flow does not exist in Flow Vision.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Imported flow <Flow name> is initialized as stale flow because it is <Flow description>.
Message Type: LOG
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that MAPS has imported the specified flow present in the configuration and initialized it as stale flow due to the mentioned reason.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Actions <List of actions configured> configured.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified list of actions are configured.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Monitoring on members <List of members/objects > of type <Type of members/objects> is paused.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that monitoring on the specified list of members is paused.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Monitoring on members <List of members/objects > of type <Type of members/objects> has resumed.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that monitoring on the specified list of members has resumed.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: Fabric Watch Thresholds are converted to MAPS policies.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the current Fabric Watch configuration has converted to corresponding MAPS policies.
Recommended Action: Verify the MAPS policies and make sure the rules are valid before enabling MAPS.
Message: MAPS has started monitoring with <Policy name> policy and Fabric Watch is disabled from monitoring.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that MAPS has started monitoring the system and therefore Fabric Watch monitoring has been disabled.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected.
Message: MAPS Disabled.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that MAPS has been disabled. MAPS will continue to monitor the system until reboot or High Availability (HA) failover.
Recommended Action: Make sure the configuration change is expected. To activate Fabric Watch monitoring and disable MAPS, reboot or fail over the system.
Message: dashboard <data type> data has been cleared.
Message Type: LOG | AUDIT
Class: MAPS
Probable Cause: Indicates that the dashboard has been cleared.
Recommended Action: No action is required.