Message: SCN queue overflow for process <daemon name>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause:
Indicates that an attempt to write a state change notification (SCN) message to a specific queue has failed because the SCN queue for the specified daemon is full. This may be caused by the daemon hanging or the system being busy.
The following are some valid values for the daemon name:
• fabricd
• asd
• evmd
• fcpd
• webd
• msd
• nsd
• psd
• snmpd
• zoned
• fspfd
• tsd
Recommended Action:
If this message is caused by the system being busy, the condition is temporary.
If this message is caused by a hung daemon, the software watchdog will cause the daemon to dump the core and reload the switch. In this case, execute the copy support ftp command to send the core files using FTP to a secure server location.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.