Restoring from the Local Drive

To restore from the local drive:

  1. On the Rescue menu, type 1.
    The list of backup images on the local drive of the wireless controller are displayed.
    Currently Stored Images
    1) AC-MV-
    2) rue-
    B) Abort and go back to previous Menu
    Please select which image to use for restoring:

    Backup image names end in -rescue-user.tgz (see Backing Up Image File Name). Be careful not to select the upgrade image (AC-MV- when the backup image is needed.

    Restoring to the upgrade image will restore the system to factory defaults and lose all of the configuration (see Restoring to Factory Default).

  2. Type the sequence number of the backup image that you want to restore.
    The following message is displayed:
    Selected Restore Image is: rue-
    This procedure is irreversible, do you wish to continue (Y/N)?
  3. Type Y.
    The wireless controller initiates the recovery process.
    Performing System recovery, this may take a while...
    Cleaning out normal mode partitions...
    Cleaning Completed.
    Mount normal mode main partition
    Mounting rest of normal mode partitions...done.
    Restoring from the backup image...
    Restoration Completed!
    Unmount normal mode partitions
    System Recovery Complete!
    Reboot the system for changes to take effect.
    Proceed with reboot (y/n): 
  4. Type y.
    The wireless controller will reboot. After the reboot, the wireless controller restores the backed up image with its original configuration.