6to4 Tunnel Configuration Example illustrates a 6to4 tunnel configured between two IPv6 regions across an IPv4 region.
Router 1 has an interface to an IPv4 region with the address (for this example we are using private IPv4 addresses, but to tunnel across the Internet, you would use a public address). Router 2 has an IPv4 interface of The IPv4 interface must be created before the tunnel is configured and cannot be deleted until the tunnel is deleted.
The IPv6 endpoints of 6to4 tunnels must follow the standard 6to4 address requirement. The address must be of the form 2002:<IPv4_source_endpoint>::/16, where <IPv4_source_endpoint> is replaced by the IPv4 source address of the endpoint, in hexadecimal, colon separated form. For example, for a tunnel endpoint located at IPv4 address, the tunnel address would be 2002:0a14:1e28::/16. In hex, 10 is 0a, 20 is 14, 30 is 1e and 40 is 28.
This example shows a simple setup on the Router 1 side (one big /48 IPv6 routing domain with no subnets), and a slightly more complex setup on the Router 2 side (two subnets :0001: and :0002: that are /64 in length). Hosts 1, 2, and 3 will communicate using their global 2002: addresses.
The hosts in this example configure themselves using the EUI64 interface identifier derived from their MAC addresses. Refer to your host OS vendor‘s documentation for configuring IPv6 addresses and routes.
In this example, we assume that the IPv4 network can route from Router 1 to Router 2 (in other words, some IPv4 routing protocol is running on the public-ipv4 interfaces). However, you do not need to enable IPv4 forwarding on the public interfaces in this example unless you are also routing IPv4 traffic on them (in this example, it is assumed you are running no IPv4 traffic inside your respective IPv6 networks, although you could).
configure vlan default delete port all create vlan public-ipv4 configure vlan public-ipv4 add port 1 untagged configure vlan public-ipv4 ipaddress create tunnel public6to4 6to4 source configure tunnel public6to4 ipaddress 2002:c0a8:0101::1/16 enable ipforwarding ipv6 public6to4 create vlan private-ipv6 configure vlan private-ipv6 add port 2 untagged configure vlan private-ipv6 ipaddress 2002:c0a8:0101::2/48 enable ipforwarding ipv6 private-ipv6
configure vlan default delete port all create vlan public-ipv4 configure vlan public-ipv4 add port 1 untagged configure vlan public-ipv4 ipaddress create tunnel public6to4 6to4 source configure tunnel public6to4 ipaddress 2002:0a00:0001::1/16 enable ipforwarding ipv6 public6to4 create vlan private-ipv6-sub1 configure vlan private-ipv6-sub1 add port 2 untagged configure vlan private-ipv6-sub1 ipaddress 2002:0a00:0001:0001::1/64 enable ipforwarding ipv6 private-ipv6-sub1 create vlan private-ipv6-sub2 configure vlan private-ipv6-sub2 add port 3 untagged configure vlan private-ipv6-sub2 ipaddress 2002:0a00:0001:0002::1/64 enable ipforwarding ipv6 private-ipv6-sub2
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