Where, the syntax of <extended-community-N> is
the following:
[rt|soo]:[<2-byte AS num>:<4-byte num> | <4-byte IP Address>:<2-byte num>]
The attributes are defined as follows:
set: Replaces the existing extended
communities by the new ones as supplied in the policy statement.
add: Adds new extended communities to
the existing extended community attribute. If an extended community is
already present, then policy will not add a duplicate extended community to
the route.
delete: Deletes some of the extended
communities from the extended community attribute.
remove: Removes extended community
attribute from the route.
rt: route target extended community
soo: site of origin extended community
<2-byte AS number>: This is
2-byte AS number. Use of private AS-number is not recommended
<4-byte num>: 4-byte unsigned
<4-byte IP address>: A valid host
IP address. Network address is not accepted. Use of private IP address is
not recommended. Class-D IP address will be rejected.