You cannot add a port to a VLAN:
If you attempt to add a port to a and get an error message similar to:
localhost:7 # configure vlan marketing add ports 1:1,1:2 Error: Protocol conflict when adding untagged port 1:1. Either add this port as tagged or assign another protocol to this VLAN.
You already have a VLAN using untagged traffic on a port. Only one VLAN using untagged traffic can be configured on a single physical port.
You verify the VLAN configuration using the following command:
The solution for this error using this example is to remove ports 1 and 2 from the VLAN currently using untagged traffic on those ports.
If this were the "default" VLAN, the command would be:
localhost:23 # configure vlan default delete ports 1:1,1:2
You can now re-enter the previous command without error:
localhost:26 # configure vlan marketing add ports 1:1,1:2
VLAN names:
There are restrictions on VLAN names. They cannot contain whitespaces and cannot start with a numeric value.
VLANs, IP addresses, and default routes:
The system can have an IP address for each configured VLAN. You must configure an IP address associated with a VLAN if you intend to manage (Telnet, , ping) through that VLAN or route IP traffic.
You can also configure multiple default routes for the system. The system first tries the default route with the lowest cost metric.