configure timezone name MET 60 autodst name MDT begins every last sunday march at 1 30 ends every last sunday october at 1 30
configure timezone name NZST 720 autodst name NZDT 60 begins every first sunday october at 2 00 ends on 3 16 2004 at 2 00
tz_name | Specifies an optional name for this timezone specification. May be up to six characters in length. The default is an empty string. |
GMT_offset | Specifies a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset, in + or - minutes. |
autodst | Enables automatic Daylight Saving Time. |
dst_timezone_ID | Specifies an optional name for this Daylight Saving Time specification. May be up to six characters in length. The default is an empty string. |
dst_offset | Specifies an offset from standard time, in minutes. Value is from 1–60. The default is 60 minutes. |
floatingday | Specifies the day, week, and month
of the year to begin or end Daylight Saving Time each year. Format is
month where:
absoluteday |
Specifies a specific day of a
specific year on which to begin or end DST. Format is month
year where:
time_of_day_hour | Specifies the time of day to begin or end Daylight Saving Time. May be specified as an hour (0–23). The default is 2. |
time_of_day_minutes | Specify the minute to begin or end Daylight Saving Time. May be specified as a minute (0–59). |
noautodst | Disables automatic Daylight Saving Time. |
The following two examples use an IPv6 address as an NTP server and a hostname as an NTP server:
configure sntp-client primary fd98:d3e2:f0fe:0:54ae:34ff:fecc:892 configure sntp-client primary
The default sntp-client update-interval value is 64 seconds.
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