ExtremeXOS 30.3 introduces the ability to globally enable dynamic virtual
network creation by using the following command:
configure virtual-networkdynamic [on | off]
Dynamic virtual network is disabled by default. Creating or deleting BGP
Auto-peering enables/disables automatic virtual network creation.
The status of this command is visible in the following command:
show virtual-network {vn_name | vxlan
vnivni | [vlanvlan_name | vmanvman_name]}
When this feature is enabled, the following occurs for a new VLAN-NSI
A dynamic virtual network is
created. The virtual network name is generated with a system reserved
VXLAN VNI is configured for the
virtual network. The VNID is same as the value of NSI.
The VLAN is configured as a
tenant VLAN.
When a VLAN-NSI mapping is deleted, the dynamically created virtual network along with
the VNI and VLAN associations are purged.
Dynamic Virtual Networks Properties
All restrictions for static virtual network, both configuration and functional,
also apply to dynamic virtual networks.
A dynamic virtual network is not saved to the configuration and is not
persistent across reboots.
IGMP snooping is internally disabled for a VLAN dynamically configured as tenant
VLAN of a virtual network.
When a dynamic virtual network is
renamed, it becomes static and can be saved to the configuration.
You can delete a dynamic virtual
network from the CLI. It is recreated if dynamic virtual network feature is on,
and the conditions are met.
The default reserved prefix
pattern for a dynamic virtual network name is SYS_VNET_xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx
is VNID (in the lines of dynamic VLANs – SYS_VLAN_xxxx).
If SYS_VNET_ prefix is already in
use by virtual networks in an older configuration, best effort is made to choose
one of the following non-conflicting prefixes – SYS_VNET_DYN_, SYS_VNET_AUTO_,