You configure the switch to use one of 15 different election algorithms to select the ESRP master. ESRP uses the default election policy for extended mode. If you have an ESRP domain operating in standard mode, the domain ignores the sticky and weight algorithms.
To change the election algorithm, you must first disable the ESRP domain and then configure the new election algorithm. If you attempt to change the election algorithm without disabling the domain first, an error message appears.
disable esrp {esrpDomain}
configure esrp esrpDomain add elrp-poll ports [ports | all]
If you attempt to use an election algorithm not supported by the switch, an error message similar to the following appears:
ERROR: Specified election-policy is not supported! Supported Policies: 1. sticky > ports > weight > track > priority > mac 2. ports > track > priority 3. sticky > ports > track > priority 4. ports > track > priority > mac 5. sticky > ports > track > priority > mac 6. priority > mac 7. sticky > priority > mac 8. priority > ports > track > mac 9. sticky > priority > ports > track > mac 10. priority > track > ports > mac 11. sticky > priority > track > ports > mac 12. track > ports > priority 13. sticky > track > ports > priority 14. track > ports > priority > mac 15. sticky > track > ports > priority > macSection contents: